Turbo tuning CBAB 2.0 TDI?
Hallo, da mein aktueller Serien Turbo kaputt ist hab ich mich dazu entschieden direkt ein besser größeren etwas stärkeren Turbo ein zu bauen. Ich hab jedoch keine ahnung welchen. Es soll keine große Leistungs Steuerung sein bzw muss nicht. So zwichen 200 und 300 PS wären optimal.
Mit was für Kosten muss ich rechnen?
Auf was muss ich achten?
Welche Turbos gibt es günstig für diese Leistung?
You can’t just take a turbo and hope it’s going.
The charge pressure and further must be correct.
The classics are people who call themselves turbo pure and wonder why the turbohole is so big.
In addition, modern motors are often very closely calculated and are not really designed for extra power.
So you want to get out of a 150 or 170hp engine 300hp and this is only generated by a turbo of multi-power?
How long will it last? From 12 to noon?
The engine must be designed/ amplified for extra power, otherwise the whole project does not last/not long.
Okay, thanks. 300 hp shouldn’t be. 230 240 250 around the turn would be nice. But thanks for your explanation
Well, if the engine was designed for 150hp, then materials were installed that are designed for the 150hp + a small buffer.
230-250PS is a performance increase of approx. 100PS, most engines are not designed for this.
Okay, thanks
Usually already, the recordings etc. Must be the same, the Guebo from CBBB just ensures a little extra performance.
the 2.0TDI is the wrong motor for entry.
Better a 1.8T, which are great for beginners.
Okay. The CBAB like mine has 140 hp. Would it be possible to build the Turbocharger from CBBB the same 2.0 TDI of the same series with 170 hp? I know he has another turbo, a balancing wave module and the software different. Of course, I’ll get more information, but maybe you know. I’m relatively new in the tuning scene. That’s why I don’t know so much.