Tun spitzenschuhe weh?
Halloo ich hätte eine Frage
Ich hab vor paar Tagen Spitzenschuhe bekommen und ich kann auf denen gar nicht gehn und es tut wirklich weh ich kann gar nicht darauf stehn. Ich habe eine frage liegt es daran, dass ich die Schuhe nicht gut kapput gemacht hab oder das ich noch lernen muss?
For lace shoes, you should be properly fitted, the shoes should fit as well as possible for your foot.
In smaller ballet shops you can sometimes make a prefitting, they are called to take the outline of your feet, width, toe length, shape and co, and you can send matching shoes that you can try through at the actual date. Then it will be looked at how the seat is at the foot, how you get to the stand, how you feel, whether you can roll up and roll up well, etc.
Larger ballet shops usually also have a larger selection.
Finger away from shops where you get a few shoes or two to try, one or two to roll up and roll off and then sell them as suitable. Or in which you want to sell certain models of regular lace shoes, as a beginner shoe. Stand and shape are different from brand to brand, which shoe you need ultimately depends on your feet (width, shape, toe length and shape, tapering to heel or not…) and less on the experience
Well-seated lace shoes do not require extra protectors. There is enough pantyhose to get better into the shoe or half a thin sock to avoid shy places. However, as a layman you hardly get to adapted shoes, they are with hobby dancers, here Schoner is quite sensible. The better the shoes fit, the easier and thinner can be the protectors.
I never really liked Schoner for my part. The feeling for the ground is lost.
Subsequent: before you start with the top training, you should have enjoyed 3-4 years of regular ballet lessons with 2-3x training per week over 90min. If the technique is not true, the force is not there (hanging or sitting in the shoes) and your connective tissue had no time to get used to the stress, both pain and damage to the joints are pre-programmed.
It really hurts at the beginning. Best you have a fabric protection etc. also exercises can help. I would also see if the lace shoes fit (if you are standing on top a thumb to the back and resting on the sides) the shoes must not be too big, as your weight does not stand on the big toe but distributed
Thank you for your answer! I haven’t ordered any protection yet but order soon and the shoes aren’t big but it’s full when you give your feet so pure
But thank you anyway🙏
It depends on where you tried it. Hard ground hurts more like a softer.