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3 months ago

There is no “soll” or “must”.

There are some things to consider:

  • never try to use while you just don’t have the period.
  • not to use as a beginner while you have the period just quite easy.
  • There are different “sizes” (they differ in thickness and in their suction strength). When I was 15 years old, I used Mini or “Normal” for a stronger period. I was overwhelmed with “Super”.
  • I started wearing tampons at the time when I was 15. Only from time to time, rehearsal, had negative experiences (through which I learned what to do with it).
  • never use more than one tampon at the same time
  • Do not leave a tampon in for many hours.
  • never forget to wear a tampon.

The material of the tampon sucks with the moisture around the tampon. If you just don’t have your days – and then call Tampon trying to use, the tampon has as good as hardly any possible liquid to absorb. If you want to get the tampon out, it hurts and it’s blurred – because the tampon could hardly absorb moisture and therefore not “smooth” as soon as you pull the band.

There are different types of tampons. With extra-soft surface, without extra-smooth surface, different strengths (mini, normal, super), there are those with insertion aid (I believe at least that there are still such, that was 30 years ago anyway). There are tampons from different manufacturers.

Oh, for handling another important point: Ideally, you have touched the toilet with the finger that you would introduce the tampon, not before. Ideally, you have clean hands.

And when a tampon falls unpacked on the ground, he moves into the garbage. You shouldn’t use it anymore.

3 months ago

So when the tampon sits right, you don’t touch it.

I’d try mini-tampons and take them carefully.

But if I can speak for myself, I had similar problems with tampons at your age and used bandages. At least as long as I was a virgin.
After my first time, I tried tampons again, and then it was kind of easier. But it could have been a coincidence.

3 months ago


no tampons do not hurt to introduce in real. you can try it well.

I feel more comfortable.


3 months ago

That depends on a lot of things. Tampons are logically designed to not hurt. But if you take a tampon that is too big or inappropriate for you or don’t do something right when you are introduced, it can hurt already. That’s why some use bandages.

3 months ago

No. You can’t feel a tampon if he’s right.

3 months ago

I’ve tried them before I had no period!

Years later, I tried it with a tie. That was disgusting.

3 months ago

Be careful.

3 months ago

The girls in the swimming club take minis directly. There are no problems. Good luck!