Trotzdem waschen?


ich habe gestern ein Top gekauft aber heute leider erst gesehen das auf dem Etikett steht „Nur professionelle Reinigung“. Das Top besteht aus 100% Viskose.

Meine Frage ist ob ich das Top trotzdem in der Waschmaschine (schonender Waschgang, nicht zu heiß etc.) oder mit Hand waschen kann. Habe Angst das ich es damit ruiniere oder so.

Danke für eure Antworten <3

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3 years ago

It depends on what you want to risk. If the part was very expensive, I wouldn’t.

I have often washed things in the machine that are supposed to be cleaned. Of course, I wouldn’t put a blazer in the washing machine, but for example, in a dress or a velvet skirt, tops went well.

3 years ago

So with me it was that clothes on which the similar was on it went by wrong treatment quite fast “caputt”.

It doesn’t look so good.

I would rather have it professionally treated if it was important to you and it cost you a lot of money, too, should be useful for a long time.

Your decision

3 years ago

Hello Meandthedevil

If you put that in the washing machine you can ruin it

Greetings HobbyTfz

3 years ago

I think if the top wasn’t irre expensive you can wash a laundry in the washing machine with programs for very fine, silk etc. Viscose I always cleaned my whole life in the washing machine and never had a problem with it.

3 years ago

Wash with liquid detergent in the sink or bathtub always goes. But it can be broken in the washing machine.

3 years ago

Do what is on the label 😉
All that’s on it is true:D