Does epoxy resin dry in a closed tube?

Hello, I have a pipe that is a bit unstable and I want to stabilize it by pouring epoxy resin into it and letting it harden.

Is that possible? Does it dry properly? Does epoxy resin need air to "breathe" while drying?

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4 months ago

Epox does not need air, it cures by a chemical reaction between resin and hardener.

4 months ago

Yes, since it is a reaction of part A and part B and no air, but only the relevant chemical components are required.

4 months ago

How large is the pipe and what material? The epoxy resin is a 2-K resin and does not need air or moisture to harden in the tube. It is a high-strength plastic, but if your part is stressed on bending, or bending, it only strengthens the pipe moderately. I would pour in a second thinner pipe or solid material, which can then absorb more forces.