Trockener Alkoholiker kann trinken?
Ich bin Alkoholiker und hatte gestern Abend einen Rückfall. Ich habe 2 Liter Glühwein getrunken. Vielleicht erzähle ich erst einmal kurz meine Vorgeschichte bevor ich zu eigentlichen Frage komme. Ich war schon x mal auf Entgiftung und hatte auch 3 mal ein Delirium und mehrmals Krampfanfälle bekommen durch den Alkoholentzug. Immer wieder bin ich in die Falle getappt das ich kontrolliert trinken könne und am nächsten Tag wieder aufhören kann. Ich kann sagen das hat NIE funktioniert und habe immer am Morgen weiter gesoffen. Seit meiner letzten Entgiftung habe ich mir gesagt „das möchte ich nie wieder erleben und möchte nie wieder in eine Entgiftung“ weil es einfach jedes Mal die Hölle war. Ich bin nach Hause zurückgekehrt und habe 5 Wochen bis gestern geschafft das habe ich noch nie geschafft aus eigener Kraft. Jetzt zu der Frage. Ich bin jetzt vorhin gerade aufgewacht und ich habe kein Verlangen weiter Alkohol zu konsumieren. Ich habe jetzt einwenig Kopfschmerzen aber sonst ist alles gut. Ich fühle mich jetzt irgendwie so sicher weil es mit einem Mal Gut gegangen ist und wirklich es hat noch nie vorher funktioniert. Mit einem Mal klappt das und ich frage mich warum. Das ist wie durch ein Wunder. Liegt das daran das ich mein Denken dem Alkohol gegenüber geändert habe.
I find it really comprehensible that you are trying to taste something. You’ve often tried it now, and you’ve written the result:
That makes it clear that it is not for you to drink controlled. Think about your body, your health, your life and find a stationary therapy place. It is otherwise very likely that you destroy your health and also socially substantiated.
You can still call a search advice today and make an appointment!
Unfortunately no, the pressure will prevail when the alcohol is degraded.
There are only yes or no, intermediate levels are not available in this addiction.
I’ve known your words for years from a family member, they’re still bare self- lying and self-deception.
At the moment you have no desire, for 2l alcohol not incomprehensible. But the noise goes over and that was it.
You’re an alcoholic and stay for the rest of your life. The only difference lies in the choice in which state your rest of your life should go over the stage: expressing the spirit completely or telling you that you have it under control.
Words from an Indian newspaper
Thank you.
Now you drank, feel safe. You’re drinking again and you think you’ve got it. You’re drinking again, it’s slowing down and it’s getting slow or fast. And then you hang in. You say you didn’t notice the wine, why two liters? Actually, you’re hoping to get the confirmation that it’s not a problem to drink occasionally and others can. And since you already have some deductions behind you, you know exactly that your behavior will lead directly back into dependence, and I certainly don’t tell you anything new.
As soon as you drank only one drop, you fell back. The dependency ypmptoms come as soon as you are sober again.
I’m sober
Never! That’s what you think.
Take a test!
I don’t have a bock to talk at such a level!
Find out one:
You had something between min 1.3 and 1.8 promille! They won’t disappear within a few hours!
Which one
It’s been hours since I was not drunk at all. So it didn’t happen
In your ‘I feel so sure’ the craving is already in place. You just don’t want to see it.
That’s not how you get away from the alcohol. At some point, this thinking will break your neck and I don’t think you want to go to the clinic as an emergency.
Go either to the AA’s or look for a clinic where you are treated and you can also tell you how you best leave the stuff out of the body.
And now you want to continue using alcohol “controlled” because it is supposed to work so well.
Don’t pretend yourself.
Detoxification is not withdrawal therapies. That’s why you should make an active effort.
Don’t lie yourself in your pocket. Keep away from the alcohol and don’t think “no such a little goes on.”
Bock on another detox? Then go on
You haven’t learned anything yet. Nothing.
So keep going…
I have already worked with alcoholics and my experience leads to a fall in consumption. Doesn’t mean ‘dry’ for free.
I wouldn’t recommend drinking, that’s the only solution.
No, you didn’t change your behavior to alcohol. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have come back.
You build the Eselsbrücke to the next alcohol rush with your speech. You don’t seriously believe that you can live without leaving today?