Trinkverhalten Alkohol?
meine Freundin & ich diskutieren gerade ob es schlechter ist an einem Tag viel zu trinken oder 3 Tage hintereinander wenig. Sie sagt an einem Tag viel trinken ist nicht so schlimm wie 3 Tage hintereinander wenig. Was ist eure Meinung?
(An einem Tag die Menge, die man auf 3 Tage aufgeteilt hätte)
Since you’re under 21, you shouldn’t drink any alcohol at all. Yesterday evening the first post in ‘Visite’ was suitable for you to answer your question:,visite23464.html
3 days little is better than on a day what you had drunk in the 3 days.
3x little is less unhealthy than 1x much.
Now in order to be able to drink a certain amount it is only once you don’t want to spend the night over the toilet bowl. It is a small art to baptize and the 2.5 promille in one night.
2.5 Promille I make loose 😛
You’re so great…
It’s nothing to be proud of. This is more of a poverty certificate.
You owed me the recognition 😀
I also, in fact, have tasted the golden Asbachan pin on the band. But it cost me almost 40 years and a small fortune.But what is not done to baptize from the army of the numerous drunkards.