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20 Halbe?
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Hello, Peter.
That always depends on what I eat and what I’m really looking for. To some dishes, red wine just fits better.
I like to drink both.
💕 greetings star
Especially in summer I also like to drink a cool rosé
Yeah, very delicious. 👍😃
Thank you. Oh, my God. It will be mostly cloudy.
Many greetings from Lucerne. Weather wonderful.
Different, depending on the situation, pleasure and mood.
Whether red or white wine, in the appropriate situation both variants, but also tasty winegrowers, can be something fine.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
I find both tasty, but I think red wine is just a tasty better ^^
Depends on the season.
In winter, I tend to be red.
Good food, of course.
Both, depending on the pleasure and mood, guests and food. In the warm season also very much like a cool rosê.
actually a good dry red wine, Italy, France, California, South Africa and so on.
ABER I get sodburns of it, so drink only dry white wine.
I personally prefer red wine.
Dear red wine
If then dry red wine 😬, tastes us best \./
No one.
Red wine.