Trinkt ihr Leitungswasser oder aus der Flasche?
es wird ja aktuell davor gewarnt, warmes Leitungswasser zu trinken, da sich Metalle aus den Röhren darin lösen könnten. Naja, ich finde es aus der Glasflasche sowieso am leckersten.
es wird ja aktuell davor gewarnt, warmes Leitungswasser zu trinken, da sich Metalle aus den Röhren darin lösen könnten. Naja, ich finde es aus der Glasflasche sowieso am leckersten.
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Welches Bier könnt ihr empfehlen, welches ist für euch das beste?
Our drinking water only lacks the requirements that apply to mineral water. That’s why I don’t need to buy water and don’t support the water mafia.
I always drink tap water from our line, but cold water. I always fill this in my drinking bottle 🙂
I only drink tap water because it is the best thirst extinguisher
From bottle with carbonic acid
I almost always drink tap water. This is always so cold. I only buy water from bottle on the way and then also with carbonic acid.
We always buy mineral water from Frankenbrunnen. In the work, however, the tap water is processed via a water dispenser.
tap water, but made floating by the sodastreamer.
From the principle, the water that I then cycle into the SodaStream. And this happens with the metals from the pipes even if the house is ancient and therefore the pipes are no longer the best. Otherwise you can filter a water filter application of e.g. Britta and the water before you drink it.
However, you also wash with this water and cook with it and I doubt very strongly that you also take water from the bottles for cooking or for showering etc.
Bottle, tap water is too dangerous to me because of germination, bacteria, because I do not trust my landlord with regard to ancient pipelines in the house.
That’s just the best 🙂
That’s different, sometimes so.
I only drink tap water at work, then the cleaning system. Otherwise, the water is far too calcareous here.
It’s best to find Volvic water.
tap water from the glass bottle
is very good quality
And tap water is regularly controlled, which is not the case with mineral water from the supermarket
Someone’s here to Franken Brunnen, finger away! This will be filled a few meters next to a US lumbar base and tastes really gross the sell the same crap also under the name Residence Source
Packed water is just a waste of money.
I drink tap water
I find it ridiculous to buy water in bottles.
I mainly drink tap water. I don’t want to drag myself with bottles stupid and stupid.