Trinkst du Kaffee?
Wenn ja, warum? Hab mir gerade eine Maschine besorgt, weil Koffein am Morgen mir Power gibt.
Wenn ja, warum? Hab mir gerade eine Maschine besorgt, weil Koffein am Morgen mir Power gibt.
Hallo ich hatte halt noch von Ostern so ein Ferrero Osterhasen Brownie Style stehen und hatte voll Lust drauf hab leider den ganzen weg geputzt und hab Angst weil der so viel fett hat das oh jetzt zu nehme ich war grade zufrieden mit mir und jetzt hab sooo Angst (und bitte keine blöden Kommentare)
Wieso? Geht’s euch auch so?
Habe das Bild im Internet gesehen. Bananen einzeln eingepackt in einen Geschäft in Großbritannien. Ist sowas nicht übertrieben? Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Wie viel und bis wie viel Uhr? Frage geht an echte Kaffeetrinker
Wie viel hat ca ein 0,33 Dose mit 10% danke für die Antworten.
I drink coffee because he tastes me, no sugar in it and only with milk! In addition, coffee is a good breakfast for me, or lunch with cakes or pastries. That must be easy;-)
Hello ToteSeele …🙋 ♀️,
I am a coffee aunt and not only drink a good coffee in the morning, but also in the middle of the day.
In this sense, I wish you a nice day and stay fit and healthy!👍 Many sweethearts of mausal 👋
Sure I drink coffee.
He’s already enjoying me at breakfast. After lunch an espresso or a normal coffee. In the afternoon a large cup.
Very old-fashioned with my porcelain filter and an excellent coffee if possible. that must be easy.
Very rare because he doesn’t make me awake. I drink coffee only for taste and sometimes even in the evening 😅
and if I drink coffee. There’s hardly any more beautiful…
I brew the coffee again quite classic with filter and hot water by hand
Without a decent coffee, there’s nothing wrong with me “morning”…
I had already spoken here several times about coffee:
And a few more… 😉
I’m 14 years old and I’m always drinking Lidel coffee.
Yes, but for pleasure
Sure, what else? Water’s just there to get around with the ship!
Yeah, I even like to drink coffee! – But I don’t need a machine for that.
If I’m tired at lunch, I’ll drink some coffee. However, as there are also some side effects I try to keep it within limits.
Theoretically, but I’m not such a big fan of hot drinks.
I’m brewing it right in the cup, i.e. powder in, hot water on it, let it go.
I drink from pleasure.
Coffee in the morning drives grief and worries.
Hi, DeadSeele540.
Coffee is very important to me. Especially in the morning.
Without coffee, I’m not good.
I can’t get a reasonable sentence yet. 🤣
Greetings, Renate.
Yes, but as rare as possible
Yeah, because he’s delicious.
Belongs early and in the afternoon to me!
Tastes and is good.