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I’m ITler.
Without the daily overdose of coffee (to suppress its permanent lack of sleep) go garnix forward! If the coffee machine fails, the IT has total failure.
Fun aside
Yes I like to drink coffee, daily under the week 2-3 cups. If weekend is, or vacation, but less.
But surely 😉
My coffee machine is so programmed that the coffee is ready when I get up.
The first cup I drink in the kitchen, the second one I take into the bathroom.
Later I drink one or two cups in the office
Ne,I like coffee even nd likes.😌🙂
LG Maike
And this year I came to a coffee machine from DeLonghi! 🤗! My dream of life.
Actually, I don’t drink coffee, but on holiday in Turkey I drink a lot of coffee specialities daily such as ice cream coffee, cappuccino, mocha, ice coffee mocha etc.
No, no, no, no.
If that means yes.
Jo is yes
Glad and drink it too
Hi, DerAlex16. 😊
But yes……
Without my coffee ☕️ in the morning I would be the absolute total loss.
After that, the day can begin.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Don’t like coffee.
It’s healthy.