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Lauterbach kritisiert Regale im Supermarkt. Frage an Alkoholiker, hat er damit Recht?
Grüße 🖖 Lauterbach hat die Regale an Supermarktkassen kritisiert. Dort seien überall kleine Alkoholflaschen. Alkoholiker könnten dadurch getriggert werden. Für mich klingt das erstmal plausibel. Frage an Alkoholiker, fühlt ihr euch dadurch getriggert?
1. I am aware of the dangers of alcohol. The liver is damaged, with secondary diseases, such as fatty livers, liver cirrhosis etc. This is especially true for permanent alcohol consumption.
Two. A member of the family who died from the consequences of alcohol has always served. Diagnosis > Oesophagus carcinoma, with metastases in liver, pulmo and peritoneum.
3. If someone has a flag.
4. Because of my continuous medication, alcohol is taboo for me anyway.
Yes on occasions but not every day. First of all, I have several alcoholics in the family and have to take care of a bit, and secondly I want to take a little weight off and therefore reduce alcohol.
Yes, if I have made some fine food, for example noodles with meat and sauce, or a great sliced schnitzel– then there is a glass of wine.
I have white sausages and 🥨, then of course there is a beer.
the whole thing is kept like this at noon.
in the evening I don’t drink beer and no red wine, because then usually comes from one, two or three.
I’m buying a bottle of liqueur. but the bad thing is, when he’s in the closet, there’s at least one goose every day. 🤔
So, I’m trying very hard to drink a little.
And such a glass of red wine for lunch, that’s wonderful. 🍷
Yes occasionally, when it comes up so 2 to 3 times a month, very rare. I’ve only been drunk so far and hopefully it will stay. If I drink alcohol then usually only nen beer, to kick, or even an egg liqueur
Yes, on weekends mostly and occasionally even under the week, but everything in controlled context
Yeah. Beer is delicious and occasionally also vodka.
Occasionally, but in measure.
Quite often a wine, once in 5 years.
Yes, Gin.
No, don’t worry about it…. but I’ve never been a friend of it.
Not today.
Not at this time. I’m just drinking coffee.
Love My Merlot
joa, with friends
No, I don’t like it, I don’t like the debe effect in my head.
So don’t know why I should drink that.
Occasionally in dimensions and only for pleasure.
Yes, in between
Of course, and that almost daily. However, with increasing age with significantly decreasing amount.
Do one of your insane comments.
Thank you for the kind feedback!
Nobody can attack me here.
Why did I think so?
Just think so, I do.
A revolutionary new knowledge.
No one has to explain this to me, but I have just answered one question honestly and not how the rest of the respondents here did as if they had a halo.
No, no, no, no, no.
Sorry if you feel attacked by my comment! Not my intention, but professional illness. 🤣🤣
I am pleased that the liver parameters + sono were without findings. The shot would have and can go back.
If you also smoke, the risks for an oesophagus carcinoma increase. The risks of smoking are well known to anyone > Bronchial/Larynxkarzniom, COPD, cardiovascular claws, with secondary diseases such as myocardin infarct, apoplex, peripheral, arterial closure disease.
Here many users read. It is not about you personally, but about the risks of permanent alcohol consumption.
If you are interested in reading:
I wish you a good Sunday!
I don’t have to worry about it, they are regularly controlled and are quite neat.
It is always uplifting to see how people deal with others of whom they hardly know anything. Just poor!
Your comment is not insane! The findings of liver parameters > Gammagt./Transaminases and especially abdomemsono would be revealing.
That’s right.
Occasionally, but not because of the intoxicating effect, but because alcohol is a very good taste carrier.
I (650) has never been drunk.
Yes! Because of the posting, I’m making my first beer today!
My insult to all those who drink
If there are any!
No, you?
No (Nervengift)