Trinkmalzeit wirklich alles echt?
Hallo, sind in solchen Trinkmalzeiten wirklich diese ganzen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe drinnen oder ist das nur fake und es wird nur so dtaufgeschrieben?
Hallo, sind in solchen Trinkmalzeiten wirklich diese ganzen Vitamine und Mineralstoffe drinnen oder ist das nur fake und es wird nur so dtaufgeschrieben?
Ich wiege 68/69 kg ungefähr und bin 1,65 gross und 19 Jahre alt bin ich sehr übergewichtig? Wie kann ich gut abnehmen vor allem am bauch??
Fertig und normale Portionen mache 2 Stunden Sport 6 mal die Woche 4 mal die Woche 1 Stunde Stepper und dann noch Liegestüze ist ups Knie beugen Ausfallschritte sowas halt Plank Side planks immer was anderes und jetzt und seit kurzem noch halbe Stunde Pilates und will das ersetzen durch 1 Stunde Luft boxen und…
Bei vielen steht das es für Leute im Übergewicht ist (+10kg zu viel) Aber was wäre wenn ich sie jetzt nehmen würde? Ich bin im unteren Normbereich. Könnte dann was schlimmes passieren? danke schon mal für Antworten.
Ich will ein neues Iphone aber nicht 1500 euro zahlen. Würd sich das lohnen?
It’s really all in there, but it’s totally superfluous. The body is oversupply. LG
There’s got to be something in there, or you can’t sell it.
It’s not healthy, because everything is artificial.
They’re in there, but that’s just marketing. This vitamin mixture costs the manufacturer a few cents. The dosages are simply small. The raw material forms are the cheapest in the market and not optimal for the body.
These drinks live through advertising and colorful packaging. Pricefully completely covered for what you get from low-quality ingredients.
For less money, you can mix yourself in higher value.
Yes, they are
Thus, a drinking meal can occasionally replace a correct meal
What’s on it must be inside.
Such a bottle is really a meal. It is often used to build up after operations.
But unfortunately also much unhealthy sugar
Sure it’s all in there, the stuff comes fresh from the chemical lab. Of course it’s nothing more.
Sometimes, but not always.
The artificial is never good.
If it doesn’t vote, they can’t write it. Then they would have an ad on their neck right away. So the content indication at the back of it will be legally perfect.
But it’s just as in there as in a cheap multivitamin tablet from the supermarket you get 100 pieces for a few euros. Would you also consider it a “healthy, full-fledged meal” if you take one of the tablets with a glass of milk to you?
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They can’t just pack up on the ingredients first of all not in Germany but they are probably just vitamins and ingredients that are in everything anyway
This is usually only fake and marketing and money making
Often they also have sugar or sweetener in
Or any other substances that are extremely unhealthy
I’ll say that.
Better feed healthy and balanced instead of relying on something like that. Sometimes it’s okay, but it’s more like something you’re going to enjoy, not a real substitute for a meal.
It’s not fake and marketing. No matter what’s in it, it’s definitely also in the ingredients. And what’s on it, too. It’s not healthy anyway.
Since you have absolutely right healthy varied food is definitely better. I always cook for myself, and I know what’s in it.
Hello, Rudolf00756. 😊
What’s on it must be inside, otherwise the scam would be.
No company can afford that.
Greetings, Renate. 😊