Trinkgeld gerechtfertigt?

Wie haltet ihr von der ganzen Thematik “Trinkgelder” ?

Für einige Berufe wie z.B. Friseure oder Kellner ist es natürlich eine gute Sache, da sie für ihren Service belohnt werden und oftmals (leider) auch von dem Trinkgeld leben. Erhalten sie weniger oder gar keins, haben sie es finanziell schwieriger.

Ich hinterfrage allerdings gerade die Gerechtigkeit des ganzen.
Denn: Eine Verkäuferin an einer Kasse im Supermarkt, ein Versicherungsmakler, ein Hotelrezeptionist oder auch ein Polizist, Feuerwehrmann oder Krankenschwester; All diese Menschen erhalten trotz gut geleisteter Arbeit und (in einigen meiner aufgezählten Berufe) im Verhältnis dazu auch geringem Lohn, kein Trinkgeld.

Ebenso finde ich es persönlich eine Frechheit, Trinkgelder in z.B. Restaurants für Selbstverständlich zu halten. Gebe ich keins, bin ich ein Unmensch. Gebe ich zu wenig (bei 19,20€ auf 20€ aufzurunden), bin ich ein Unmensch. Ich bin nur dann nett, wenn ich bei den im Beispiel aufgeführten 19,20€ meine 22-23€ gebe.
Warum ist das so ?

Und jetzt kommt mir bitte nicht mit den Argumenten um die Ecke, sie bräuchten es ja. Na klar, mag sein. Aber dann sollen sie sich doch bitte einen anderen Job auswählen mit einem besseren Verdienst. Was kann denn ich dafür, wenn die so wenig verdienen ?

Ein Problem damit, etwas mehr zu geben, wenn der Service gut war, habe ich grundsätzlich nicht.
Mich stört es nur, dass es “so selbstverständlich” ist und erwartet wird, dass ich mehr gebe, wenn ich in einem Restaurant esse.

Was haltet ihr davon ? Lasst es mich wissen.

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1 month ago

It’s just part of it. But the hairdressers shouldn’t always consider it to be self-evident that no matter how they work, there’s always someone what and if there’s too little to be unfriendly is clear No go

1 month ago

In my opinion, the restaurant is about motivating staff to be nice. If there was no tip, they would look for other jobs until the salary is raised. Especially in this industry, tipping is popular as it is minijobs. I personally give when I was well treated 10%.

You should be able to afford it next to dinner.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hotpotato128

And as long as we give tips and thus subsidize the too low wages of workers in the gastro sector, there is absolutely no reason for the gastronomics to raise wages.

So sorry tipping is subsidized wage dumping and is abolished!

1 month ago


I agree with the statement that the tip is expected to be self-evident. However, we are doing this pressure alone. We consider it to be self-evident!

I’ve never experienced a service staff that complained when I paid “passingly”. But many kind thanks, with all the rounding up.
Once I have deceived myself in the note and wished to round up with 20 euros. I was immediately alerted by the service.

By the way, I’ll turn up somewhere else where I know it doesn’t disappear from a big corporation in the wallet…


1 month ago

It is, of course, NOT justified that hairdressers and waiters are “proven” for tips. Especially since I’m not obliged to pay tip.

Then you could say just as well that you can get rid of civic money. The people who are concerned can face the church and beg.

1 month ago
Reply to  LilKos97

If I’m served badly/unfriendly, I won’t pay any tip! If you like, then you like. It remains my free choice…

1 month ago
Reply to  LilKos97

As a waiter, I never expect any tip from the guests. I’m just doing my job quite normal, and if someone gives something, I’m grateful. After all, most of them work hard for their own money.

1 month ago
Reply to  LilKos97

You could also call it corrupt, that I only get good service if I additionally pay.

1 month ago

Well, it’s also proven that this is given more. We don’t use this personally.

1 month ago

That’s not binding. No one can pay you in addition. that is common in other countries.

In Germany, the operating money is already explicitly included in the calculation.

1 month ago

So I only know this from the vocational school as a “remembrance” 😅 You can press a “X” or 0% in most devices. If you don’t have a good reason to complain.

1 month ago

Imagine that:

If the tip principle does not have to be paid fair by employees/ waiters so that they can pay the job to do it. If you pay them fair, the money must come from somewhere. So the Prices in the restaurant and so fewer people could afford it. loose situation

We do not have the problem at our premises, fortunately, as all fairs are paid.

1 month ago
Reply to  LilKos97

It’s also good, no one is forced but many make it (if the service was good) so that the waiter knows that he worked well and 2. maybe can afford a little bite

1 month ago

I share your opinion up to the sentence “But then you’re supposed to be” etc. As a normal earner, you shouldn’t just judge as shameful about it, why and why these people do this job.

1 month ago

You can also give policemen tips, best if you see in Berlin Friedrichshain what:)

1 month ago
Reply to  LilKos97

Nee I find also unfair, I always give my 10% tip, whether taxi, restaurant etc, but in the supermarket don’t hold and there it would be more appropriate. Or even had taxi drivers who were extremely rude, where I found the 10% tip too bad. Finds then also get crass abroad again, where there is sometimes even rude tipping. But is the German culture, you can’t do anything. And policemen get more than a minimum wage, most waiters get only the one.