Trinken mit 14?
Hey ich wollte mal fragen ob es normal ist schon 14 immer zum Alkohol zu greifen wenn man Probleme hat, denn meine Freundin tut das oft. Ich habe schon mal versucht die Probleme mit ihr zu bereden, doch sie nimmt lieber den Alkohol..
Hey ich wollte mal fragen ob es normal ist schon 14 immer zum Alkohol zu greifen wenn man Probleme hat, denn meine Freundin tut das oft. Ich habe schon mal versucht die Probleme mit ihr zu bereden, doch sie nimmt lieber den Alkohol..
und für wieviele Menschen in deinem Haushalt ? Ich hab das lange nicht mehr im Auge behalten, aber gebe schon gute 4-500€ als Single aus. Vllt sogar mehr. Cafébesuche und Restaurant nicht mit berechnet. Is schon nh ordentliche Summe, denke ich. Esse aber auch gut.
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Hey liebe community, Ich wollte mal fragen, ob es normal ist sein essen an seinem Geburtstag zu planen? Ich komme aus einer restrektiven Essstörung und habe an Geburtstagen immer die tage davor und danach extrem “eingespart” um möglichst normal an meinem Geburtstag essen zu können, ohne das mein gewissen mich fertig macht.. Eine Freundin von…
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it’s nice that you’re looking to care about your girlfriend and support her.
Alcohol is additionally harmful with 14 years since the brain and the body are still in growth. Early consumption and, above all, consumption in order to agitate problems can also increase the risk of addiction. I would therefore advise her to speak with a doctor or a therapist at an early stage to learn how to deal with problems differently.
Try to talk to your girlfriend again. Be careful, too. If your consumer behavior increases, please seek support with a reference person or professional contact point. For example, you can go to a drug consultancy office at any time.
Here are some talk tips:
It is important that you speak out your concerns and concerns openly.
Make the person realize you’re worried and you’re on her. Try to explain why you’re worried.
Note: If she doesn’t want to change her behavior, and you realize that the contact doesn’t do you well, you’ll have consequences for you. It’s very nice that you want to help her, but you’re not responsible for her.
You can send me a message via a friendship request. I work as a social educator at the Mindzone project (acceptance-oriented drug work) and am on the go as a digital street worker online.
Best regards,
Alena from the DigiStreet team
What’s going to happen to you, you feel like “normal”.
In case of problems to attack alcohol, NO age is normal.
This is socially viable in our culture, is due to the poor water quality of the pre-industrial period, where there was little access to clean water in cities.
Beer and wine were more “safe” than water in which all waste cumulates and germs of all kinds offered a good breeding ground. Even toddlers already got beer to drink.
This says so much about our degenerated social behaviour from 😉
And so the children learn from parents how to be “socially capable” in certain situations.
This is not “normal” as an adult.
Above all, you should think about yourself and find another friend. Why? Because it not only damages itself with it, but also genetic changes can occur during puberty by alcohol, the cause of malformations and/or disabilities in children who later get it.
As you say, I think she’s already dependent.
It’s gonna end bad.
Of course not. However, parents should get this. Talk to a good teacher.
Your parents always allow her..
Teacher I wrote, not parents.
Then turn on the youth office directly!
I know, I’m just saying that they know their parents and also the teachers of their previous school. You and I go to school after the summer their previous school everything was full of other children who also drank a lot of alcohol and even cigarettes, vapes, snus etc. And I think it was fault that she came into such a circle of friends where that was normal, because I was in another school where that was not normal (as it should be).
Surely not! You don’t solve problems with alcohol, no matter what age.
Continuous alcohol consumption mainly damages the liver, with folg diseases, such as fatty livers, liver cirrhosis. Your girlfriend should consult the pediatrician to control liver levels > Gammagt.+ Transaminases to diagnose whether the liver is already damaged.
What do your parents say?
You drink alcohol yourself and find it normal..I find it ok if you cost once but in the long term it is not healthy with 14..
Something like that is normal at no age! When both parents drink, there is always a risk that children become alcoholic. The parents live in it and the children know nothing else because of it.
No, it’s only normal in Germany.
And in Austria?
I don’t know.
No, and that the alcohol is below 16 or 18 years of access is all the more worrying.
Her older brother (he also drinks) has many older friends between 16-19.
It’s not normal at any age.
You can’t do it!! That says the law
I know. I’m always trying to convince her to put the alcohol away.
To the clinic with her
The question arises immediately: Where are the parents?
They laugh about it when she gets drunk, as she herself often drinks alcohol.
Then you should immediately inform the Youth Office