Tresor Firma existiert nicht mehr habe aber noch Garantie wo kriege ich Ersatzschlüssel her?

Benötige bald einen neuen Schlüssel habe den Tresor 06.23 bei dem Hersteller gekauft bin zur zentrale gefahren und das Gebäude stand komplett leer habe die Firma dann im Internet eingegeben bin auf deren Webseite und es kam die Firma Phoenix Safe Company raus.

es steht aber nirgends das die Firma von denen übernommen wurde an wen muss ich mich wenden ? Soll ich mal eine Mail an phonix senden ? Was soll ich dann schreiben ?

Finde keine Kontaktdaten zu Phoenix aber Standort scheint noch da zu sein was kann ich machen ? Kennt ihr euch damit aus ?

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2 months ago

The problem with your safe and the required replacement key is understandable, especially since Knoxsafe GmbH apparently no longer exists.

Here are the relevant information from our research, which hopefully will help you:

Knoxsafe GmbH as a manufacturer:

  • The company Knoxsafe is listed as permanently closed at Google Maps.
  • The official Google address of Knoxsafe ( now directs, the website of Phoenix Safe Deutschland GmbH.

Possible connection to Phoenix Safe:

  • The redirection to the Phoenix Safe website indicates that there could be a takeover, merger or other connection between the two companies.
  • Phoenix Safe could therefore possibly be responsible for warranty and service requests for Knoxsafe products.

Contact information for Phoenix Safe:

  • Address: Phoenix Safe Deutschland GmbH, Bahnstraße 23, 42327 Wuppertal
  • Alternative address: Wahlerstraße 6A, 40472 Düsseldorf
  • Telephone: 0049-202-69519-0
  • E-mail:
  • Website:
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30-17:00


  • We recommend that you contact Phoenix Safe directly, as they may have assumed responsibility for Knoxsafe’s services and warranty claims. It would be helpful if you clearly describe the problem in your request and also indicate the redirection of the Knoxsafe website to Phoenix Safe.

Other options:

  • If you do not receive support from Phoenix Safe, you may contact specialized key services that repair vaults or turnkeys. Some providers also have experience with Knoxsafe products.

We hope this information will help you find a solution for your problem. If Phoenix Safe is not able to help you directly, you could at least refer to a competent service provider.

E-mail template:

Subject: Request for replacement keys for Knoxsafe Tresor (SecKnox 52-1K) – forwarding by Google Maps

Ladies and gentlemen,

In June 2023, I acquired a safe of the model “SecKnox 52-1K” from Knoxsafe GmbH. In my search for support for the replacement of a key, I noticed that Knoxsafe no longer exists and is managed as permanently closed at Google Maps.

Interestingly, the tab “Website” leads from the old Knoxsafe address (Bronnerstr. 7, Dortmund) directly to your website at Therefore, I suspect that your company may be connected to Knoxsafe or has accepted the service obligations.

I would therefore like to ask politely whether you can help me with the warranty or service provided for the above-mentioned safe. If so, I would be happy to receive information about the next steps to get backup keys.

If this is not your area of responsibility, I would be very grateful to you for a recommendation from a specialised service provider or key service that has experience with Knoxsafe products.

Thank you for your support. I’m looking forward to your feedback.

With kind regards,

[Your name]

[Contact information]

Note: This answer was worked together with the support of Perplexity AI and ChatGPT to provide you with the best possible help.

2 months ago

Evtl. Can help a key service with contact details.

2 months ago

Write a letter and send the guarantee