Treiber installieren funktionier nicht?
Hallo an alle,
Ich habe eine Intel Core i7 2600 CPU und eine Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070.Mein Pc ist runtergefallen und meine Festplatte ist hinüber ich habe sie ausgebaut und mein Pc zurück gesetzt und Windows 10 neu installiert.Ich weiß dass alle teile sehr alt sind aber ich habe nicht so viel Geld und jetzt habe ich versucht meine Treiber neu zu installieren.Aber ich weiß nicht wie das geht bzw finde ich nichts,ich habe auf der Website von Intel geguckt und ich finde nur für Windows 7-8 Treiber für meine Intelu nd mein mainboard.Kann mir jemand helfen wie ich die Treiber neu installiere und auf welchen Websiten ich die Downloads finde oder sind die teile zu alt und ich muss mir neue kaufen?
The CPU is 14 years old. For 45 € I recently bought more up-to-date hardware. Linux can run safely with this hardware.
The GTX will then make problems because Linux and Nvidea are not good kombi.(I had to notice myself)
You can still use the old PC with a Linux distro without spending money. This has the advantage that if, for example, there are no new web browsers for Windows 11 and the CPU is not suitable for Windows 11. In addition, this year the Windows 10 support is completely set.
For example, Linux Mint Xfce. It’s like an old hardware like a rocket. Even Windows is a lame duck. The difference in vulnerability is clearly seen. There is a connection to a hardware database that automatically detects it and installs the drivers.
Download here: After that, you need the ISO with this tool iron to an empty formatted stick and then boot the stick. First a boot menu appears. You can then choose whether you want to install Linux Mint first in live mode (try without installation). I recommend live mode first. This allows you to test whether the resolution is correct. You can also start the installation from live mode.
The desktop of Linux Mint Xfce then looks like:
Installing and uninstalling programs is done via an application management. An update manager takes care of the system and the applications. You can also automate the update manager in the background.
Also on Google Chrome, Skype, Spotify, Teamspeak3, Libreoffice, Minecraft etc. you don’t have to miss out on Linux.
Intel® Driver and Support Assistant
Chipset INF Utility
both of Intel, should find and install almost all matching drivers. Start with Chipset Utility
GeForce Game Ready Driver | 572.42 | Windows 11 | NVIDIA
is also available for WIN10 and 1070
at intel treiber support assistent he shows an error message to which no drivers can be installed
Chipset INF Utility have you already done?
What do you have for a board?
This platform is not supported
There is actually a driver CD/DVD. but if you don’t have it and everything is going to run like this is all good(the Nvidea drivers can be loaded by the manufacturer side or by Nvidea itself). if you don’t have to look for the parts id + driver and if you don’t find it you must buy new or take the aler letze option and install linux on it.
but I can’t change the screen resolution and then I can’t use my pc because it’s all so big
then you must install the Nvidea drivers. here the side
then devices manager call and then watch under display adapters. you will find the gtx1070 adapter.
have I been breaking my screen?
it doesn’t work if you don’t have it installed.
does not work
Just let it go.
but I can’t change the screen resolution and then I can’t use my pc because it’s all so big
Then the damage is bigger.
does not work