Traurigster Tod in Squid Game für euch?
was ist der traurigste Tod in Squid Game für euch? (Staffel 1/2)
Bei mir ist es der Tod von Ali (199) und von 067 Saebyok (sorry, falls ich es falsch schreibe).
Der Betrug zu Ali war einfach schlimm. Ich hab ihn geliebt und fande ihn so schön gutmütig. 067 war einer meiner Lieblingscharaktere, deswegen habe ich da auch geweint.
Wie ist es bei euch?
Hiou, what’s going on?
Hmmm… can you let that happen? You always ask so good questions. How?? Wieee?!?
The saddest death was from Sae byeok.
She’s one of my favorite characters, but that stupid man killed her. Idiot😪😪she was so cool and her poor brother 😭😭😭
Another sad death was from ALi.
And from the friend of Sae byeok.
They only met for the Murmel game and have become almost best friends. It felt like they’d both know each other forever
In the 2nd season I find the death of the father of the little girl very sad. Short and short but great pain…
But also by the girl of player 120. All about 333😪ich doesn’t like him sorry.
LG (please have much not because I don’t like 333)
I didn’t have you, all right.
For me also the death of the father and the death of the friend of 456 :(((That was so brutal at the last moment! …
Jaa, quite brutal
They all died if 333 hadn’t been. This is fact. They had two more seconds when he came in.
Yeah, I do. But I still find him selfish. He also treated his girlfriend badly.
I finished the season 1 today and what should I say… Sae-Byeok and her girlfriend😭 they just fit together so well.
The saddest death was for me the one deceived by player 001 who was deceived by player 456 at the marble game. He mimiced the confusing, but until last was with clear mind. His reaction at the end was very touching. He wasn’t even angry. All the time, this figure was very impressive and has often encouraged to think like a father. Overall, this series is a great piece of teaching about character traits and by no means brutal as often claimed when you open your heart, turn on your brain and think more deeply about it.
So with Anstand Ali… omg he was so sweet to all, he actually didn’t deserve it! Besides, he was my favorite character from the first season. Sang-woo was just an ass that he betrayed him, even though Ali trusted him…
Yeah, I’ve been crying. And Sangwoo is simply responsible for both deaths of two good characters! I never forgive him.
Me neither. He killed Sae byeok and Ali
I won’t. do not worry
Yeah, definitely. One has already noticed that Sang-woo is actually one that will also betray his “friends” for profit.
Whatever, I still found his death sad (Don’t complain)
Yes, it is. I wasn’t different.
He’s smart, but what’s the end of him?
He had such a symbolic Mask wore up and then let her fall at Episode 6 to show his true personality…uff.
but eig. you’ve seen it a bit in the 2nd game…
Well, he’s smart, you have to let him. And in the beginning I liked him somehow.
how can you be so… that at the end he didn’t want to accept that he would lose… I don’t know that all of this has only more hatred for him…
He was so friendly and at the end was so sure.
rubber ball