Nur an moslems gerichtet!!
Ich habe letztens vom Weltuntergang geträumt, aber so richtig wusste ich nicht dass es einer war. Da waren sehr viele Menschen versammelt aus aller Welt (moslems) und hatten den koran in der Hand, wo nichts stand (also die Seiten waren leer). Jeder war in Panik. Könnte mir jemand erklären was das heissen könnte? Danke im Voraus
Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī reported that he heard the Prophet, Allah’s blessing and salvation on him, say:
‘If one of you sees something in the dream he likes, this is of Allah he shall praise Allah for it and tell other people about it. But if he sees something else that he does not like, this is Satan he shall then seek his refuge (with Allah) from the evil of this dream and tell no man about it because this will not cause damage to him.” (See Hadith No. 7044)
[Sahih al-Buchari, Chapter 84/Hadithnr. 6985
There are three dreams. Good dreams are good customer of Allaha frightening evil dream is of the Shaitan(Satan) and the third are own thoughts.
(Muslim, similar to Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Madscha)
The dreams are divided into 3 types:
1 Those who come from Allah. They are a means with which Allah proclaims to His believing servants in this world glad message after the end of revelation.
2 – Those who come from Shaytan (Satan) in which Shaytan tries to gain power over men and to put the believers in trouble. The Prophet (peace and blessing with him) has taught us how we can protect ourselves from his evil, and he has told us that these dreams do not harm the believer who follows the rules of conduct taught by the Prophet (peace and blessing with him).
3 dreams that come from the subconscious where the sleeper sees his own thoughts and ideas that reflect what is happening in his daily life
Wa Allahu a’lam
(And Allah knows best)
So you think it’s Type 2?
No, because with type 2, dreams are meant where Shaytan tries to scare a person, one dreams perverse things (Zina), the Shaytan pretends to be God what many Christians claim by saying they dreamed of Jesus that he is supposed to be God
Every dream researcher will tell you that the first two points are total nonsense.
Number 3 is more realistic.
You’re welcome.
Thank you.
It can be either the first or the third
Wa Allahu a’lam
Oh, I see. Who gave me that dream and why?
Many dream here, no matter what religion.
Vlt. you will find answers here
I know the site, I didn’t find it. I was more concerned with the Korean (Islamic Dream, so to speak) thanks anyway
The site also includes old Arabic dream books, is only written newer.
Thank you.
And why can only Muslims answer?
Because they know better about the subject than others.
No, not necessarily.
I’ve finished it two times. You keep coming a nonsens.
Well, you started the conversation that made me think there’s one thing anyway 💆🏽 ♀️
I said there’s NO. What do you want now?
How about reading before answering?
I ask where the problem is (if there is one) and not that you have one rest
What? I didn’t say anything I had a problem or had. On the contrary, did you not read my comment?
I also said that this topic has ended for me. Point.
You asked I answered, where’s the problem?
I understand your thoughts and it’s not quite wrong either. But just like “I know I’m right about mimimi” and other things is just stupid and shows the childish and snap right out.
But I didn’t comment to be annoying or a bit, I don’t feel attacked either. Just asked me why. I’m not cheating on you. So if anything from me wasn’t OK then I was sorry. Otherwise the issue is over.
Good evening.
It’s just too childish to argue. In addition, I only insulted the atheist (also had the other comments, difficult case and Islamist). Believe me, I’ve discussed enough with you and I know I’m right.
Apparently not at all. “Insult” to argue directly instead of factually.
But keep going, you won’t get far.
Great for you? At least I know when I’m right and when not.
Just wanted to say that you weren’t wrong but when I read “in general sense it was better to know” it was out again.
Boah boy, I’m talking about people who know what this is about and because it was an ISLAMIAN TRAUM, it’s understandable that moslems generally know better. Give me that I’m right
That’s what I said, what’s your problem now?
Not every Muslim can answer. Actually, there is no single Muslim here to answer. And there are too many reasons for this.
What a nonsense!
There are many who are so-called Christians and have no idea of Christianity or the Bible.
In Islam it is not much better: many know a lot of places of the Quran by heart, but very selective. Say: they like to quote those parts that use their cause, but “forget” the next half-set, which relativizes the previously written or sets it in the correct context.
For classification:
I myself am Christ, I see myself as decent but not as believers. But I think I have more knowledge of Christianity than many “Christian” hypocrites. I also lived in Muslim countries for several years.
I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I don’t want to let a christian explain what’s going on in my dream, because the koran also occurs. It is understandable
That’s nonsense.
Still, you don’t write something like that.
Stop discussing. In general, moslems are familiar with the Islam from Christians with Christianity etc.
It can’t be judged here.
Who knows, maybe you’re afraid that the Koran’s message is based on empty pages? Perhaps such a fear has led to panic in your dream?
No one can know that.
What do you mean?