
Hey, ich träume sehr oft, dass mein Partner mich bertrügt oder ich ihn betrüge. Wir sind in einer gesunden Beziehung und es gibt momentan auch keinerlei Probleme. Heute habe ich allerdings geträunt, dass ich dachte “Ja es ist soweiso nur ein Traum” und bin dann fremdgegangen. In dem Traum war mein Freund auch irbendwie ganz Komisch und hat mich sexuell missbraucht. Ich habe absolut keine Ahnung was das bedeuten soll, weil ich so eine Denkweise niemand hätte und ich in dem Traum auch irbendwie nicht wirklich ich war. Ich hab meinen Freund das sofort erzählt und er meinte ich solle mir keine Sorgen machen aber mich belastet das schlechte Gewissen. Kennt sich jemand mit Traumdeutung aus?

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2 years ago

Sounds like (unconscious) fears and concerns. The (unconscious) fear, or worry your friend might leave you, expresses itself as a common symbol in your dreams.

It should also be noted, as is the case in general. Frequent nightmares are often the result of stress, worries, fears, problems and worries. And nightmares generally show us what makes us uncomfortable and scares us.

This means, for example, these dreams can easily come from stress on work without having to do something directly with your relationship. You have stress and then a nightmare and this shows you a scenario that scares you or creates discomfort.

And if you realized that you’re dreaming, you can’t take into account the dream. This was simply an experiment of curiosity, with the knowledge that there is no danger or risk, as it is only a dream.

2 years ago
Reply to  fadingFireflie

That was you. Just with a mixture of you and the way you trade in dreams and with the reservation that you can do anything without having to fear any consequences, because it is just a dream.

There are people who, for example, torture the game characters in video games because they know that this has no consequences at all.

Save, torment, load and it never happened. Most of them do that only if they know that it has no consequences.

It was similar to your dream. It was practically a game.

2 years ago

Of course you wouldn’t. So you don’t do it, and you just did it in your dream. An environment where this is irrelevant because it is not real and you don’t have to worry about any consequences.

Most people playing the video games do not manage to play the “bad” route when they know that in the game they have the consequences of these decisions to wear.

That means such torture actions make most of them only when they know they can undo them and they have no consequences.

That’s exactly how an environment is.

So you don’t have to have a bad conscience at all. You know you wouldn’t do that and that should be enough for you.

Dreams are foams.

2 years ago

Something you think or feel during the day. Uncertainty or movie seen. Consciousness, which does not sleep, then processes it in the dream and mixes from it completely new one-pot.

Only when you have enlightenment you can get inspiration from the spiritual world in your dream. You know the difference then.