Traumaort zurück k?
Hey undzwar hatte ich bei meinem Freund Sachen erlebt ( war aber nicht seine Schuld ) die sehr traumatisierend für mich waren, habe dort auch meine erste Panikattacke gehabt seitdem auch eine Angst entwickelt . Seitdem kann ich mir nicht mehr vorstellen zu meinem Freund zu fahren oder generell alleine wohin zu fahren ,er wohnt 2 Stunden von mir. Denkt ihr eine Trennung ist besser? Momentan ist mir meine Gesundheit am wichtigsten und sobald ich denke wieder dorrt zu sein kommt mir ein komisches Gefühl
danke liebe Grüße
I would first try to make a therapy and that he will come to you or meet you somewhere else. That you think of separation instead means there are other problems between you.
It’s never a woman’s fault if the man does her violence. Go to psychotherapy once a week if you like.
He has not done anything to me
If you prefer a life as Eremith? Don’t let yourself fall into your fear, because as you say, because something has happened there, but ask yourself the questions:
Will it happen again?
Did it happen to others?
Do you want to let yourself be determined and prefer to break with loved ones because you have a fear of something that is not rational for them.
My tip, no, don’t stop, get back your life, defeat the fear and let you help, there are mediators that can open you paths that lead you in the right direction, or hypnosis. In any case, there are more and better ways than getting emotional.
It’s hard to say something without knowing what really happened.
In principle, in the long run no way will lead to processing your trauma. This usually requires therapeutic help. I guess you don’t want to live the rest of your life where you live now.