Traum vom Benz AMG erfüllen? Oder lieber warten?

Habe heute einen Benz AMG C32 besichtigt mit 354 PS. Wollte schon immer mal AMG fahren

Würdet ihr das kaufen und den Traum erfüllen? Kostet fast 10.000€, ist schon 19 Jahre alt aber 354 PS und purer Luxus

Welche Probleme sind beim S203 denn eigentlich so bekannt? Worauf sollte man besonders achten ?

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2 years ago

Extremely expensive in maintenance. Disposed without end. You can count 18-20 litres for power. Spare parts extremely expensive. Otherwise, the typical W203 problems. So electronics and rust.

Very susceptible to false oil. The gear should be flushed every 60,000km.

Watch the test drive. If the gear shifts between 20 and 40km/g, the fingers are immediately shoved, as the transducer is likely to have a shot. This is likely to almost reach the time value during an exchange.

2 years ago

I’d leave it. In addition to the problems and maintenance costs that have already been raised, it is also a good thing to do if something is true. Starts at the service or if brakes are due.

Apart from that, things are usually quite dry, from these gas-sick people who think they must have one and only kick him from lights to lights, but then repel him again when what has to be done and they find out how expensive this is.

And, in my opinion, the answer to people who have to consider whether they can afford such a car is quite clearly NO. People who can afford it do not have to think about it 🙂

2 years ago

I can only agree with the answers here. In addition, the W203 has problems with electrics, steering head bearings, barbars, track rods, track rod head and sometimes the axial joint. These are all parts which are particularly stressed apart from the wear parts.

You have to take care of this at the “normal” W203. This is the more so when an AMG is to assume that the previous owners (m/w/d) are probably not exactly relaxed to the church tower. These whole parts in conjunction with the parts such as brake disc, brake pads, tires are then more or less very quickly dried down.

In addition, there are also the maintenance costs that I would like to estimate approximately between 300 and 400 euros. The box has a 62-litre tank, which means once it’s full-fueling around the 130€. I’m not going out of that you have a Sunday foot. So often you’ll have to keep the trunk in.

Overall, this is an expensive fun…. If you’ve got Bock on it, you’ve got the car.

2 years ago

I’d leave it.

I am surprised that after all your negative experiences you have still learned nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  QWERTZ677

Then save better and buy yourself one that is younger and better. Do not forget the high maintenance costs that such a vehicle entails.

2 years ago

If you ask others for their opinion, you will also get them. Whether you like it or not.

The RefaUlm just finds BMW better and also bases his opinion on good arguments. You don’t have to follow him.

2 years ago

Definitive 🤷

2 years ago

It’s just…

2 years ago

I just like the 911s 😅

SUVs irritate me zero and Panamera is the Quasimodo among the Porsche for me

2 years ago

I wanted to say that only the “mother” concert did not want to blow too much into the pan;)

However, I must say: The design of the Panamera already tells me. is also the only Porsche I like visually

2 years ago

Often only the Hang-on Allrad from the VW Group, not even the right Quattro 😅

2 years ago

With nem AMG you only go to AMG, the one who built the engine also waits him with the corresponding costs if you can’t afford it!

I only have my BMW waiting with BMW, who know each other, I don’t buy a M3, for the same money I build one from an E30 with the engine from the E46 or E90 M3 😁👍

You asked what is better than AMG, I just answered you, Alpina and M 😉

2 years ago

Mercedes hasn’t been what they were
And the contract workshops often do not get AMG back. More damage than anything else…

and Porsche I would also leave my fingers, as I meanwhile put too much technology in VW and less and less of Audi (yes I know the same group, yet everyone cooks a little different)
Just looking at the lousy Allrad…

2 years ago

You forget one thing, the AMG is still “just” an old W203 with all the problems that the series had.

2 years ago

This is the small AMG, the right is the C55 AMG!

Better than AMG? Alpina, M (the E46 M3 needs only nen 3.2l R6 without charging or extreme engine capacity to reach almost 350 hp, is lighter and perfectly balanced, the C55 just a thick ship to straight ahead) ð👍

2 years ago

Sorry, but this is a dairy girl bill. The repairs can easily exceed the purchase value of the vehicle.

2 years ago

I never said AMG or Porsche were not good. But in your case, it is again an old car that will have corresponding age phenomena and thus soon high repair costs. It’s not for free.

2 years ago

Think about your other mistakes 🤷🏻

2 years ago

Uff ne, either the right AMG, the C55 AMG or leave, the C32 is a barrel without ground!

2 years ago
Reply to  QWERTZ677

Well, either completely or not at all, since the consumption of the C32 is hardly lower, however this is not the V8 with 5.5l but just a 3.2l engine with compressor 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  RefaUlm

What about c63? I’m celebrating this as a BMW driver 😄

2 years ago
Reply to  Unaufhaltbar07

There was no 203 yet

2 years ago

if you have so much coal left for repairs then buy

2 years ago

Since you’d rather borrow one for a few hours