Traum Häuser die lachen?
Hallo liebe Community,
hätte mal eine Frage zur Traumdeutung:
vor 2 Nächten Träumte ich, dass ich vor mehren aneinandergereihten Häuser stehe, diese lachen mich aus.
dann war leider der Traum vorbei und im Netz finde ich diesbezüglich nichts.
Danke für die Hilfe,Lg
The day before was probably funny and you liked certain houses.
Your brain has thought about it in sleep and here you have the result
Maybe you feel bad at the place where you’re living.
Maybe you have the feeling that others have united against you.
YES live for rent in a house, all neighbors have been fighting with each other for eternity…the environment is vision negative…will also move…there could be interpretation in there…very nice thank you for this
From the point of view of traditional dream interpretation, the house often points to security and security. You want or should maintain your social contacts more. Or you want help and support in a specific situation.
If you are laughing, the dream sign reflects the fear of being ridiculous. Other approaches, as you can interpret the different dream symbols laughter, are: The bad luck of others is joyful: slandering behavior for enforcing selfish wishes.
Many thanks for the help 🙏