Trägt ihr jetzt im Winter Maske?
Trägt ihr jetzt wieder Maske im Winter? (außer beim Arzt da ist es ja selbstverständlich) und wenn ja warum und wo überall?
Trägt ihr jetzt wieder Maske im Winter? (außer beim Arzt da ist es ja selbstverständlich) und wenn ja warum und wo überall?
Ich finde im Internet nichts dazu, wie das Arzneimittel “Finasterid” hergestellt wird. Auf Wikipedia verstehe ich es nicht. Kommt der Wirkstoff von einer Pflanze, oder was ist es?
Komme mir ausgenutzt vor!
Hallo ich habe seit 2021-2023 extrem gemerkt, dass ich Probleme mit meinem Gedächtnis bekommen habe. Ich bin erst 23 und somit noch Jung. Ich habe in der gleichen Zeit auch meine Ausbildung gemacht und sehr viel und regelmäßig gelernt. Ich habe dennoch immer mehr Gedächtnislücken und kann mich an vieles auch innerhalb von wenigen tagen…
Hab mich gerade positiv getestet muss um 12 Uhr anfangen zu arbeiten bitte mit Begründung Hab Husten Schnupfen Halsschmerzen
Dadurch das ich nicht arbeiten darf wegen Konzentrations schwäche und kaum freunde langweile ich mich oft gucke fern oder leg mich einfach aufs bett meist fühlt sich das Ohr danach immer komisch an so das ich alles anders höre ich hab immer gedacht das es Kreislauf probleme sind nun hab ich das aber seit gestern…
Hallo, nächsten Monat wird mir vom Hautarzt Blut abgenommen und dann am nächsten Tag von einem anderen Facharzt. Ist das für den Körper ok oder sollte ich die Termine anders setzen? Danke und LG 🙂
Since just sneaked everywhere, so many are coldened I always wear when I go shopping by bus or the train ride in the office simply in closed rooms to protect my FFP2 mask. Personally, the mask doesn’t dare to wear the mask very much to us and have passed through until now without great cold or infect. Sometimes I’m the only one wearing a mask, but that doesn’t bother me on the contrary prefer to protect my mask than that it caught me then with schnapps cough etc.
Okay. what do you say?
Work with two colleagues who wear a mask
Work in accounting for three in the office
No in the office
are you working in the hospital? I never see someone with mask
If I were cold, I would wear a mask out of courtesy if I stopped in public. But since I am not cold, and I am not a risk patient, I do not wear a mask in winter. From cold you don’t get sick – even if it’s called cold. Therefore, it does not make any difference whether summer or winter is now.
No, I don’t wear a mask anymore.
I wear my FFP2 mask in all closed rooms, so bus and train, while shopping, musuem etc. First, I just got used to it, secondly, I have no interest in Long COVID. Especially in bus and train are many people at the Röcheln and in my personal environment there are currently relatic many who have Corona and then lie directly in bed for a week with fever. I find the muzzle the lesser evil and, as I said, I just got used to it in the years.
okay in the work?
No, not currently. Even with my family doctor, there is no longer a mask obligation. Unless you’re very cold. Then practice is only to enter with mask.
In this case, I would use a mask in the public anyway. To protect people around me.
No. The mask is also not self-evident in medical practices, except for a strong cold.
– My family doctor and his employees wear masks that patients don’t.
– It was a short time ago at Ortopäden. There’s no mask.
No. Also not in summer or in autumn or in spring.
No, no, no, no, no. 😷
For me, Corona is a virus that will always accompany us, the immune system must be finished
In some medical practices it is necessary again when cold
No, I’m not a mask because of the season, but only when I’m sick.
(ok, if it were -10°, I would possibly. carry one during cycling, but then a fabric mask, no medical;D )
No, nowhere.
Since I don’t want to grind paint in closed rooms and also don’t want to use asbestos: no.
No, I don’t volunteer
Not at the doctor or anywhere.
no longer wearing masks
besides medical visits, I will no longer wear them
No, I don’t wear a mask anymore.
And only to the info, it means daring and NOT wearing her.
No, I don’t wear a mask in winter.
only in the volksbank
Surplus 😁
I’ve been wearing a mask for years.
Why not? is used for your protection
Then better strengthen your immune system, the body must withstand viruses, bacteria and some other every day.
It must be strong
Although I’ve seen a client with a mask in the shop today
Only FFP2 and higher, normal masks protect only the opposite. FFP2 masks fall under occupational safety and must not carry more than 75 minutes, then a break of at least 30 minutes must be maintained. Even with my doctors, no mask is worn.
Because it’s not necessary. And the doctor doesn’t understand it at all, and there’s no one in there wearing a mask. Only the dentist himself.