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2 years ago

Usually only the helmet that is always for it. Without exceptions.

I have a protective vest for jumping or on the grounds.

2 years ago

Only helmet.

Except I’m on the grounds. Then I have a vest, because I’m not quite as sure on the grounds (other saddle!) as I am on the train.

On shows/events and small stable tournaments even once without a helmet (but even if I know the horse very long and either a person from the ground is there or the horse is in the usual environment).

But on young horses or strange horses I would always wear a helmet. There’s a risk of something happening, just too high. And under 18 I wouldn’t allow anyone to ride without a helmet.

From 18 it is his beer, whether he wears helmet or not.

2 years ago

Hello 12345197,

I only wear a helmet when riding.

With backpanzer I usually feel too strongly restricted in movement.

But there are also very thin protectors, they look from afar like a vest. They also offer you a little more freedom of movement.

Nevertheless, I only wear a helmet for reasons. Without a helmet, I would never sit on the horse.

Best regards


2 years ago

In the youth, I learned to roll me off. The head is still easy. Today, I can’t roll so reflexively, but I don’t really sit on a horse that likes losing his riders. Because of the residual risk, I think the helmet is mandatory.

2 years ago

With me it is always very different, depending on how well I know the horse. So with helmet or both!

2 years ago

Often, not always. I’d say 80 to 90%.

Helm always.

2 years ago

Always a helmet. But a back protector or a safety vest usually at grounded and heavy jump hours.

2 years ago

No helmet. And not with backpancers, if then with protective vest, if I get something more common in the terrain jump. In winter I also wear them in the Pacour but if I notice that my pony (sometimes my horse) has fired under the butt.

2 years ago

I usually only ride with helmet. If I ride a difficult horse or jump off the ground, I also wear my vest.

2 years ago

except I’m just sitting on it – but I’m not a model

2 years ago

Helmet 98% yes

Protective vest in terrain training, sometimes also jump training and young horses

2 years ago

Helm is mandatory, I always wear it.

I only wear a safety vest when jumping and in the terrain, otherwise not.

2 years ago

Helmet in general

the vest only when jumping or new horses

2 years ago

Helmet (always), gloves (sometimes).

2 years ago

I only wear my helmet in the dressage. In jumping and jumping off, I wear a level 3 safety vest and the helmet.

Gloves and riding boots or boots with chaps/shoulder.

2 years ago

Helmet as good as ever, I haven’t had a vest for years. I’m jumping a maximum of Cavalettihöhe.

2 years ago

Depends on how good I know the horse

2 years ago

so eig hit air west and helmet, backpanzer is too immobile to me…

1 year ago
