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I switched to contact lenses just under 2 years ago. Ever had glasses. I’m just going to watch them for the night.
I am satisfied with the glasses myself, I often wear them at home.
Otherwise I wear everyday out but usually rather contact lenses. With a strong short-sightedness, I find this simply more advantageous and often more pleasant than correspondingly stronger spectacle lenses.
Yes, of course, I have been wearing glasses (used) since early childhood, and since I have also searched for the glasses (frames) myself (with advice by partner) I am also very happy and happy with it, on the one hand because I can see much better myself, and on the other hand I find that my face lacks something without glasses, so I imagine, I do not only look better with glasses, I also look better with glasses.
Yeah, I got glasses and I’m really happy.
I’ve actually wanted to have glasses since my childhood. I could always look too good.
At 27 I was with the optician and I found a slight short-sightedness. The optician said I could choose if I want glasses or not. But I didn’t have to think about it for a long time. I bought a big striking model and I’m just happy with it.
Sounds funny, but I’m happy about it 🤓
I find this with the glasses quite annoying because I have to relocate them and therefore constantly look for them!
Oh, yeah
Glasses: Yes, unfortunately.
Happy with it: Absolutely not. My glasses and all this short-sightedness are extremely annoying to me.
I’m sorry
Thank you 😅. Maybe you should just improve my attitude.
Yes, I am. Even if it is sometimes annoying when the glasses hit in the winter, raindrops fall on – I can see away clearly, without glasses it would be fuzzy.
Yeah, I wear glasses, and no, I’m not happy with that. I don’t know anyone who’s happy to have glasses.
A glasses is totally annoying, you have to be more cautious, for example when playing football etc., you can naturally get the ball in your face, and with the glasses more injuries can arise.
My friends often tell me I’m so pretty without glasses that I should get contact lenses, but I’m pretty sure I can’t handle contact lenses. (Have never tried it before)
Since I don’t use contact lenses, I don’t like to go to the swimming pool / outdoor swimming pool, because I can’t recognize a lot without glasses. What is not a problem when swimming, but imagine that you’re looking for someone in the outdoor swimming pool, and you’ll also see distance rather blurred (if you’re far-sighted), and that’s also just totally jack!
If it rains or snows, then there are always so many water drops on the glasses, then you are also almost blind 🙄. Or if it’s cold outside, and you’re going to a building or something, then hit the glasses and you don’t see more. Or then in the “Corona Times”, glasses and mask are not exactly a great team!
I only have an advantage on the quick: In chemistry classes, it is no duty for the spectacle wearers to wear an additional protective goggles/over goggles, and I am relatively happy because my glasses are definitely cleaner than these protective goggles!
Best regards onecrazygirlxo 💕
Fortunately, I’m sure I’m not wearing glasses, so I always use my contact lenses whenever possible. Looks a lot better with a high diopter number and seeing is much more comfortable with the lenses than with thick spectacle lenses.
I do not see the connection between shoes in spite of glasses ^^
Wear a glasses, not to wear, I’m more great, but contact lenses don’t go with me.
I am logically not happy about my strong short-sightedness, that it can be corrected with spectacle lenses or alternatively with contact lenses, but very much.
I’ve let myself do a few years ago, but don’t wear it… Isn’t that urgent?
But this year I want to buy my first RayBan sunglasses (these cool flyer glasses) and will wear them with pride 😊
Cool happy
Lucky for a misunderstanding you’re not. Despite glasses you can be as happy as without.
I let my eyes laser years ago. I used glasses and contact lenses for a long time – 6,75 and – 7 diopters
But I am very happy with it! I’ve been seeing perfect for over 14 years.
Oh, okay.
That’s it. She made sure I don’t have to wear anymore. That’s how I’m happy I had them back then. Now I wouldn’t wear (except she has zero glasses or window glass)
Ah okay, I’m glad you haven’t been
But I carried them almost 13 years a day. In the end, I was unsatisfied with the last glasses. My eyes had greatly improved and as soon as I wore the glasses, I got bad
Oh, okay.
I have glasses, even 2, to be exact. But I wear it as well as never since I am so used to it without walking around 😅
LG 😊
Yeah, it’s nice to see everything again.
Yes, because I look good
It would be better without!
Yeah, that’s right.
I can see. Not without glasses. So yes.