Trägt die Frau immer ein Tampon?
mache fassen sich jetzt zwar vielleicht an den Kopf, aber tragen sie immer ein Tampon/Binde oder schätzen sie ihre Regelblutung ab und machen es erst dann?
mache fassen sich jetzt zwar vielleicht an den Kopf, aber tragen sie immer ein Tampon/Binde oder schätzen sie ihre Regelblutung ab und machen es erst dann?
Hallo mir wurde für scheiden entzündung Vaginose eine ibuprofen Kur empfohlen, in den ersten drei Tagen 3x 400 mg und danach noch 3 Tage lang jeweils eine Dosis 1 x 400 mg. Hat einer Erfahrung damit oder weiß noch was darüber ?
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Wenn ihr im schwimm oder Hallenbad seid duscht ihr ohne oder mit Bikini oder Badeanzug etc. an?
No, you’re wearing tampons only when the bleeding has been used.
It’s harmful to use them if you don’t have the period. The tampon then sucks too much vaginal fluid on which is actually intended for moistening and germ removal.
When this is sucked in, the mucous membrane dries too much and that brings the flora (the immune system of the vagina) together. An irritated and dry vagina increases the risk of infections, inflammations, parasites and fungi.
To this end, the white flux (a vaginal secretion which is formed outside the period) is to carry bacteria and germs out of the body, but if one absorbs them with a tampon, these bacteria and germs remain in the vagina and can multiply and induce infections after joyful orgies. Moreover, the removal of the tampon can become painful after a longer stay in the vagina. It is therefore not advisable to use them outside the control bleeding.
If you are afraid to get it then you use either bandages/slip inserts. Very good is also a menstruation cup because it can also be introduced and worn without a period. Also the white flux can be ‘collecting’ otherwise you simply use slip inserts. The risks that a tampon introduces without a period are simply not great and should really be avoided!
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
No, women don’t always wear bandages and tampons (especially tampons can’t be worn constant). In a regular cycle one can sometimes know exactly when it goes on until the day. And even if you’re surprised… The first 1.2 days the bleeding is not strong that is leaking. In the meantime, you’ve been on the toilet and got it.
No woman carries a tampon or a tie. Why would a woman do that? Would be completely free.On such thoughts only someone can come male.
You can already estimate this and notice it even when it starts;)
only if necessary