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2 years ago

Not only the instructors! Everyone who sits in the park on a bench and doesn’t do anything at all, who still damages the environment when he gets hungry and eats a piece of bread. The basic ingredient of bread is flour and the grains grow on the field. This field was once colonized by many different species. These animals and plants are now dead. They were displaced by man and each of the bread or other field fruits is to blame for keeping other species still away from the field today. This is not only the driving instructor’s fault, but also all the others.

2 years ago


…as well as all others drive the car or moped, heat, use transported, internetten, smsen, telephone, use explosives…

So practically JEDER…

= only those without… wessd scho… throw the first stone…

2 years ago
Reply to  myotis

Sometimes we add quite well:)

2 years ago

No, on the contrary. If permanent accidents were to happen, this would damage the environment more.

2 years ago

Are you talking about the people who train truck drivers so we can shop our food at the supermarket?

Driving instructors train their students for driving. The rest are done by the drivers themselves. Everyone who sits behind the wheel makes a conscious decision.