Trackt die Health App auch wenn ich renne oder jogge?

Trackt die Health App, wenn ich renne oder jogge, weil man dann mehr Kalorien verbrennt als beim Laufen, oder sollte ich mir lieber eine Apple Watch dafür holen?

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8 months ago

The Health App can only determine how you move on the speed profile in combination with GPS /aGPS. However, no vital parameters can be detected without a fitness watch (e.g. Apple Watch).

Therefore, if you have the necessary “small money” for an Apple Watch, it would be worth considering. In autumn, the new versions will be presented, including an adaptation of the watch design on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Apple Watch.

Unfortunately, if other fitness watches pass the vital parameters to the Health app, I cannot tell you.

8 months ago

You could also buy a used Apple Watch. You can also get the “normal” series with more features for 250 euros.

That’s how I started: first watch if the watch is really something for me. In the meantime, I have the 3rd and that was a new one. 😉


8 months ago

I honestly don’t know myself with the SE, but should be pure enough for tracking your vital parameters.