Tracken von Kindern bald überall verboten?

Ich bin als Elternteil sehr froh das es heute die Möglichkeit gibt durch Handys und andere Technik immer zu wissen wo mein Kind gerade ist. Da bin ich sicher nicht alleine. Habe jedoch heute das gelesen was mich sehr schockiert hat:

In Hanau soll man jetzt seine Kinder nicht mehr in der Kita tracken dürfen. Ich finde das ehrlich gesagt eine Unverschämtheit sich so in die Erziehung einzumischen. Sicher ein Handyverbot kann ich ja verstehen in der Kita aber eine Uhr, Tracker etc. ist etwas anderes. Als Mutter habe ich ein Recht darauf zu wissen wo mein Kind ist! Wird es solche Verbote bald überall geben und dürfen die das überhaupt verbieten?

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3 months ago

I share your indignation and can fully understand you. Such a measure is massively outrageous and I doubt that this ban would withstand a complaint. As a mother, of course, you have the right to know where your children are. A tracker does not disturb the process within the educational institution in any way. Of course, it looks different with mobile phones and other digital devices.

I would not accept this ban in any way. However, I would probably also not apply directly, but first of all with the other parents exert pressure on the city or the Kita leadership and ignore the ban. In any case, we use the small trackers (AirTags). They can be easily put into the clothes and the Kita staff will certainly not “filtrate” every child from top to bottom.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Hey, thanks for the star! ⭐

Why some are upset about it is actually an interesting question.

In an increasingly complex and insecure world, the location of their own children is a comprehensible need for security for many parents. Also at our school this is common and as part of the Digital Coordination Team, I can first confirm that these security tools are increasingly used.

Unfortunately, digital progress has it traditionally hard in Germany and our country is still sadly closing light among the industrial states.

While many other countries not only use advanced digital solutions, but also implement them in the wide range, digital innovations are still characterized by mistrust and scepticism. An abstract fear of surveillance is often expressed, so far as the general rejection of innovations is to be considered without the actual advantages. This resistance not only slows us down when it comes to safety, but also in administration and even in location competition.

I also think that there is a certain envy perspective behind these objections.

Many critics who reject technical progress are often taken from the idea that childhood was “authentic” earlier. In truth, their rejection is often a mirror image of the envy to a generation that grows in a much more well-maintained, often more prosperous and well-connected environment, using opportunities that former generations did not have.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

do not understand how to get so excited about it.

Of course not, so you ask “Incognito”. %-)

Everyone can do as he wants with his child.

Well, “protection of minors” also means – and unfortunately, LEIDER! straight – protection of strangers from bad, overriding parents.

I wouldn’t let myself go!

Only nobody asks you or Lillieth. 8-

And by the way, our courts also enforce laws if those who protect the laws do not understand what they are to be good.

That is why they are also necessary – unfortunately, LEIDER! – at all …

2 months ago

You gave birth to the child, but it doesn’t belong to you.

3 months ago

As a follow-up of two successful contributions, which explain the boundaries and falling knits, can stumble into the tracking helicopter parents (and usually become), and why the state (here in the form of the city of Hanau as a kita carrier – otherwise as a school carrier or via the youth office/family court) have the right to intervene in a regulating manner there:

3 months ago

I’m not tracking anyone but just my own child.

Sounds pretty “unsunding” and “grubly” in every respect, as there are also plenty of users.

Should we check the Youth Office/Family Court?

When I find my child, it has nothing to do with the principles of Kita, because it is only about me and my child, of which the others are not involved.

HERE is not of interest. In your question, it’s about tracking children in the Kita, which you wouldn’t let you forbid.

What is egocentric about watching his child do not understand yourself

I understand that very well. Why you don’t understand, I’m honest with you. And if you would send your child to a kita where it is forbidden to track (or to play older children), the Kita leadership (or the Youth Office for older children) will also be sniffing whether you are vested or not. 8-

But if you like to do this, the educators will take care of the Kita children. And when they’re out, they’re in groups. Anyone who tracks his child will also track other children and educators: inside.

But they may not want to be broken, and if I were a father of a child affected, I would also have a MASSIVE problem with it if any “hinz & Kunz”-hiirdos among the parents (or other people who could hack into it) secretly took my child, without express permission of ALL fellows.

This is not to understand and not to respect, but to put out my own ideas about the ones of fellow citizens, DAS is egocentric.

Find a hobby!

I did!

I explain to users: why their supposedly “tollen ideas” are sometimes not only the opposite of “toll”, but also, if necessary, highly illegal and/or inconsiderate.

And if they don’t understand, others will hopefully understand.

3 months ago

Yeah, that’s her legal education job!

If you don’t fit the educational principles of a kita, then give your child to the kita of another carrier, or watch your child at home. Problem solved.

In DEINER apartment you can track DEIN child 24/7 as you are fun! At least up to a certain age.

But that adult educators: inside and outside children, if necessary. by e.g. perverse or mentally unstable parents (also still secretly and unquestioned), these educators may not like: inside or other parents.

Or did you intend to ask ALL people concerned for permission, and if someone says: “I don’t want my child to be tracked by you!”then you like this: “Oh, a pity, but I do not respect that, of course, and do not track it secretly.”

I’m just reading on your question “I am! The fact that a kita is not just your child, and you inevitably intervene in the rights of other people with your behavior seems to be worth noting in your self-centric world.

3 months ago

Hello dear questioner, dear questioner,

Many speak of a surveillance state and try to protect them as much as possible, but in the smallest group the monitoring begins: in the family. It then wonders who is interested in such a surveillance. The state is under control – and you can still do that in a family.

Associating control with education has nothing to do with education in my eyes. E. the mayor is going to ban this control where children are allowed to develop.

Another topic would be security: there could be a child or a youthful person carrying a device as part of the guidance and recommendation of the parents, which would not be found immediately. Such systems should have integrated a kind of panic function, which then triggers the monitoring and possibly also alerts the police.

There is the function of a messenger service to share a route you take with other people. This may also serve the security and proceeds from the person who causes the sharing.

Similarly, trust and openness is very important in the family. But where control prevails, trust and openness on both sides is very far away.

Best regards

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

What this should be for emergencies would really interest me.

3 months ago

My little niece has accepted the Apple Air Day on her backpack. It serves the safety of the child when it is lost. She also accepts it.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

I don’t really need her because she’s always close to me. On playgrounds I am always there, playing together is great fun. She doesn’t look at me adult, even though she knows my age.

3 months ago

As a mother, I have a right to know where my child is!

It’s in the Kita!

Or on the way with other children, supervised by Kita staff. Like this is in a kita.

As a parent, I am very happy that today there is the possibility to always know where my child is right through mobile phones and other technology. I’m sure I’m not alone.

If surveillance-fanatic helicopters were weird individual cases, just hold a little “wirr in the head”, it would probably not be a topic. Specialists have always been there.

To be honest, I find this an inconsistency to interfere in education.

Education is their job and mission. They’re not a better dog-sitter.

Maybe something is wrong with DEINER education?

Maybe you should track the Commune! /Sarkasmus

In Hanau, you shouldn’t be able to track your children in the Kita.

Toddlers are not tracked, they are supervised!

And older children who no longer need permanent supervision are not tracked.

However, if you are through the wind, despite your child’s duty to track, the short notice is that you, s.o., not only tracks DEIN child with your tracking, but also other children (because if: in groups on the go) as well as the adult Kita educators (because the children have to supervise).

For several reasons, DIE are perhaps less enthusiastic about being secretly scraped by, uh, possibly for example mentally unstable parents, just as I, as a father of a Kita child, would honestly not be thrilled if any perverts among the parents were indirectly tracking my child.

Finally, two successful contributions, which explain the boundaries and falling knits, can stumble into the tracking helicopter parents (and usually become), and why the state (here in the form of the city of Hanau as a Kita carrier – otherwise as a school carrier or via the youth office/family court) have the right to intervene in orderly terms:

2 months ago
Reply to  Libertinaerer

if any perverts among parents would indirectly track my child.

Unfortunately, one of the fundamental problems with such monitoring is very good. Thank you for the comment.

3 months ago

Tracking children everywhere?

It is possible to stop tracking children in the long run!

Operators of facilities of any kind can prevent children from tracking within their home rights!

Through tracking, the basic and freedom rights of the child can be Art. 1 and Art. 2 Basic Law (GG): The right to dignity, the general right of personality and the rights to free development, informational self-determination and data protection.

§ 1626 Elderly concern, principles

(2) During care and education, parents take into account the growing ability and the growing need of the child to act independently responsible. They discuss issues of parental concern with the child, as it is shown after its development, and seek agreement.

Tracking is often untimely! The children are always monitored, but it also belongs to childhood to run away to be lost without being “monitored”

3 months ago

This is just pure surveillance. The children are brought to the Kita, and they are accompanied and picked up. They’re in custody.

Later the kindergarten path is very important. You should not drive the children as soon as they can walk the way themselves and pick them up.

And even later, when they’re on their way with friends, you don’t have to know where the kids are going. This is a shame of healthy development. The piece of art gets the mental problems when they are constantly monitored by everything.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Yeah, they don’t realize that yet. Only this is part of the process of depreciation.

Because these are the first small steps now and the children are in care. You still have the security and yet you have to let go a little.

So you also learn to deal with the children being more and more independent.

But if you’re accustomed to this, then you can’t really succeed and then you can’t take it off, then if the children just start to disturb it that they are constantly monitored.

Therefore, do not get used to this at all, but accompany your children in their process of becoming self-employed, in which you trust yourself instead of controlling them.

3 months ago

Will there soon be such bans everywhere and may they forbid that at all?

This is quite possible, but not a topic at the moment.

And yes they may prohibit electronic devices in children.

As a mother, I have a right to know where my child is!

Sure, but there are also other options.

Regardless of which trackers can also be used against you.

Can you guarantee that all parents have access to the tracker?

My niece is 4, to give a watch with the function is now no art and I know where their group is.

Tracking may be practical, but you should also have some confidence.

If you don’t have it to kindergarten/school, I think it’s very problematic.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

But in so many children, the educators cannot see everything.

There is actually a system.

You don’t go away and hope to come back with all 25 children, the kids are actually counted over again and again and there are rules of conduct on the go.

Children who, for example, are endangered to run away, so the curious ones who want to watch everything are taken by hand, etc.

3 months ago

Monitoring in the Kita??? We’re sick, please? I generally reject any form of supervision that violates the child’s personal rights and bears witness to lack of trust. But in the kita is really completely absurd. Small children have to be supervised anyway, what to do?

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Are you sure you don’t need professional help? If you’re already in the Kita, what’s going on when the child goes to school alone? Are you going after? Or are you taking yourself to the classroom?

3 months ago

What is the emergency in the Kita? I actually expect that you can trust professional educators so far that children are in good hands with them and you don’t have to worry that they could get lost.

3 months ago

How is that supposed to be checked? The kids have to go through a detector in the morning.

In Hanau you are now his children no longer in the Kita must be tracked (should not be allowed) is not forbidden.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

So first of all, if he really didn’t. It is also necessary to clarify whether he is allowed to forbid this. Gives a law. Who pays the cost of review? Let’s wait for the first complaints.

3 months ago
Reply to  Motobiggi31

In Hanauyou arenow his children no longer in the Kitamust be tracked(should not be allowed)is not forbidden.

Yes, is forbidden in municipal kitas, but it is not controlled.

3 months ago
Reply to  Libertinaerer

A great ban if it is not controlled 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

3 months ago

Yes, SO looks like the “existing balance” often. 🤪🤷 ♂️

3 months ago


3 months ago

Perhaps it should be worth as a “gun before the bug”/”last warning”, to finally turn on and use the remaining common understanding that is hopefully available.

If that doesn’t do anything, you can still wear the thumb screws. Then no one needs to come, he wouldn’t have known anything…

3 months ago

on the contrary, it is an inconsistency to want to track his child everywhere and everywhere – something sick

especially in the kindergarten – you deliver it in the morning and pick it up in the afternoon – in between it is in the kindergarten, where else it should be…

I’m lucky I got up in a time, there’s nothing like that

3 months ago

Would you like it if your mother always knew where you were? Would you like it if your husband always knew where you were?

Wanting to track his own children is the final stage of helicopters.

3 months ago
Reply to  wmsieger

It’s about small children and not teenagers.

3 months ago
Reply to  dennis4711

First, where is the difference?

Secondly, you think this mother says at some point: “so, now my child is a teenager, now I no longer have to know exactly where he/she is.”

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Everybody tracks everyone?

3 months ago

I have a friend as an example, you can see what alcohol can do if you drink it daily.

3 months ago

If you tell the child what that is, you can do it. My niece has no problems with this.

DAS is also okay: The child knows it, the child wants it and no one else is affected.

It’s okay!

As long as it is explained, and with increasing age, it also stops. At least, however, it takes into account (and even understands) where the problems start with increasing age.

I’m forbidden for cannabis again, some sniff too hard.

I am against it, because alcohol is much more dangerous – what you can see, how many brain cells some have already gotten away.

If not by alcohol, then probably by paint. ^^

Because unlike away brain cells, this “deduction hysteria” cannot be explained…

3 months ago

If you tell the child what that is, you can do it. My niece has no problems with this. You can look for your child at the zoo for hours because it’s hid from you for fun. Have fun looking. In addition, children always disappear, either tear out or are kidnapped. I’m forbidden for cannabis again, some sniff too hard.

3 months ago

Because people who are dependent on one can also decide completely uninterruptedly against the “winter” of those who are dependent on them.

Did you actually get paint?

3 months ago

Luckily, my family is not normal.

3 months ago

If the teenager agrees with it and does not give them a disadvantage, I do not see a problem in it. The function can be switched off.

3 months ago

I don’t know what’s wrong with you, it’s about tracking ban when the child is in the KITA / kindergarten or is on the move in such a group. The children are not alone.

Helicopter parents are GIFT for the children and also educators as regards the development of self-employment and also the work of the educators.

Honestly, you not only monitor your child but the entire group including the educators. What if you were the educator? Would you like to be monitored?

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Oh, and how do you want to know that there is an emergency? Sorry, however, how many children are kidnapped from KiTa and how long it takes to communicate the parents. Children are usually not kidnapped without reason and if you suspect that there is one reason, you can talk about it and take measures to protect it, but not just that.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

A child is not lost, but is kidnapped. And you’re seriously thinking that the kidnapper’s gonna hit her/his smartwatch?

2 months ago

Even if I’m not for tracking, I can understand the concern. An upcoming kidnapping does not necessarily have to be known in advance and can also and will also happen by unknown ones.

3 months ago

There are also parents who attach a recording device to the child to listen to what is happening in the Kita.

One cannot ask for an educator who knows each new technical device in order to be able to detect a hearing device.

After picking up from the kita, you can attach the tracker directly to the child in front of the door if it goes home.

3 months ago

Hello? You want to monitor your child at Kita?

It would never have come to such an idea. My kid’s been at school today since 7:00. I know that school would call me if there was anything. I don’t need tracking.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

But does not help if you take the child or in an accident etc.

If the child is kidnapped, a tracker of this kind does not bring anything. Rather on the contrary. kidnappers aren’t stupid. The tracker is thrown somewhere and you think your child is there. In the end, you don’t know where your child is.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Right. But no helicopters, on the contrary!

If you want to protect your child from everything that happens could, You have to include it in the basement. This is not how education works.

Education means letting the child go agewise and trust.

3 months ago

Have fun.

3 months ago

You don’t educate your child with a tracker, which only serves to satisfy your curiosity.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

No, that’s sick and screams for a therapy.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Are you going to be monitored?

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Yeah, you want to see… just curiosity.

3 months ago

Don’t you have a phone for emergency?

3 months ago

Isn’t normal…luckily the state protects the children in a few places…

3 months ago

Just it was a KITA, now it’s a school…you better remember what you write like…

3 months ago

Hopefully it will be banned. It’s sick like parents to track their older children. If you’re so paranoid, you should probably do a therapy.

3 months ago

A tracking down to a certain degree istokay, but that you can track your kids in kindergarten is still monitoring 🥶

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

What emergencies are these?

3 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Oh, okay, yeah. It’s funny that they want to forbid this…

3 months ago

Tracking banned in Kitas.

As a mother, I have a right to know where my child is!

It’s in the Kita!