Toyota importieren?

Moin Leude,

Habe seit längerer Zeit den Gedanken mir einen Toyota Trueno AE86 zu kaufen, dadurch, dass es keine in Europa gibt würde ich gerne von euch wissen, wie ich an einen rankommen, wie es mit dem Transport aussieht, TÜV usw.

Gibt es eine bestimmte Website die alles vereinbart und ich nur bezahle und wie hoch sollte da mein Budget sein?

Import ist für mich Neuland. Ich bedanke mich schon im Vorraus für die Antworten 😉

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4 years ago

Trueno will be difficult but still feasible, within Switzerland or in Austria the Trueno gave in small numbers as “GTS”, but you will have to pay €30,000. In addition, 7% import as an old-timer (min. 30 years old) and then allow for individual withdrawal.

If you can also search and retrieve one in the USA or Canada, you can also get admitted easily as the necessary papers exist at the friendly and the TÜV eh does not pass whether or not an EU model is.

For all specialists who think an old Corolla is scraped and down:

With 30-50-year-old Japanese, it’s still easy to swim anywhere and with some care the old Japanese can survive your new cars loosely!

The Trueno is also an icon for itself, just as an everyday car a bit too demanding in maintenance. But whoever drove a corolla from the generation knows why the old Japanese have a good reputation.

4 years ago

There’s one on eBay classifieds.


4 years ago

OK then all sources on the Internet are wrong and you’re right.

4 years ago

That’s the same car?! All Toyota AE86! It’s called Trueno in Japan. In the USA, Corolla just like us. Or does it have to be a Japanese original?

4 years ago

The likelihood of getting a rideable is at NULL. An importer, wherever from, you will not be admitted in Germany.

4 years ago
  1. Question from where to import?
4 years ago
Reply to  StreetHustler

It makes a huge difference. JP = right-handed. I don’t think it’s gonna be anything about exhaust. The EURO * never manages.

4 years ago

What do you want with the cucumber? This is junk.

4 years ago
Reply to  lesterb42

Can you justify that?

4 years ago
Reply to  19In87

That’s what I’m starting with the age of 40. Even if Toyota’s long-lasting, they’re down.

4 years ago


4 years ago

He’ll have his own thoughts. Nothing is impossible…

4 years ago

Then everything is eliminated from wear. You can’t import something like that. Unless money has to go away.

4 years ago

But then some old-timers would have to be real junk…