Toxoplasmose – Risiko für Kind?
wir sind gerade in Planung / Klärung diverser Punkte um sich auf ein künftiges Kind vorzubereiten.
Da wir eine Hauskatze haben kommt natürlich auch das Thema Toxoplasmose auf.
jetzt weiß ich natürlich nicht ob ich bereits Abwehrkräfte habe,
– kann ich mich diesbezüglich auch vor der Schwangerschaft testen lassen.
– wenn ich Abwehrkräfte habe, besteht dann trotzdem ein Restrisiko für das Kind?
– wenn ich aber keine Abwehrkräft habe, und darauf achte dass ich zB das Katzenkisterl in der Zeit der Schwangerschaft nicht reinige, und natürlich auch Lebensmitteltechnisch alles beachte, wie seht ihr das Risiko einer Ansteckung dann?
Danke euch 🙂
If you have the cat now, you don’t have to worry about toxo – you’re already faced with the pathogens and your immune system knows how to deal with it.
Suddenly it is only when a woman has never been in contact with it and is only confronted with it during pregnancy.
But even so in time, someone else can take care of the cat’s cloister.
What I’m thinking about… why just a housecat? That’s all but art-friendly and if you don’t have to keep a cat reasonable, then you could also think about giving them a better suited home. Then you can also use the excuse “in pregnant and afraid of toxoplasmose” if you mean justifying you from whom.
I’ve had some cats and I’ve never had toxoplasmosis. So that’s it.
It is simply almost impossible to be infected with toxoplasmosis in permanent close contact.
And how do you want to know that? The least have any symptoms at all.
Short, crunchy and great!
Important addition!
To your supplement:
Yeah, the kid’s gonna be stuck with it. But even for a newborn it is harmless. It can only become a problem if it is still a fetus in development. Ready in the world, man can handle it well at any age.
I’m pregnant and have been tested three times for toxoplasmosis. Always negative. Although we had cats at home.
You can also test yourself before pregnancy on toxoplasmosis. You have to pay for it yourself. Normally, there should be no risk if you are immune to toxoplasmosis.
You can also care for the cat and her cisterl with disposable gloves.