Toxische mutter?
Also vor 3 tagen hats angefangen, davor war eigentlich alles in Ordnung , ich war für mich und meine mutter einkaufen (hab pizza geholt) und hab sie ausversehen 2 stunden draußen stehen lassen, dann hör durch meine Kopfhörer ein lautes rumschreien und dann höre ich wie sie die pizza durch die Wohnung schmeißt und meine tür aufreißt und mir sagt wie dumm ich bin und das ich respektlos bin weil ich mich nicht direkt entschuldige (ich bin im zimmer geblieben weil ich angst hatte vor ihr) jetzt rastet sie bei allem aus sie kommt jede stunde in mein zimmer und schreit mich an und sagt mir wie sehr ich sie doch hasse???? So schlimm war das noch nie doch seid 3 tagen Terrorisiert sich mich wirklich ich bekomme herzrasen wenn ich auch nur höre das sie in mein zimmer kommt.
Do you think this is the right place to settle family disputes?
Especially since we don’t know what really happened?
It’s difficult.
I still try:
You don’t seem to know how to have such a mother. He or she is desperate because he feels fucked in his room with his unpredictable mother. That’s why he or she reports here. All right. Not every child gets respect at home as a person of parents and can talk to them quite normal without fear.
Hello Anna,
therefore I have tried to give constructive help:
how to buy food and let it stand outside? You just clean the stuff that needs to be cooled right into the refrigerator. If you forget that, I understand your mother that she’s mad. That is why it is not toxic
From their point of view, listening to music is more important to you than clearing away purchases. she gave you shopping and that’s just what you did, no more and no less. The pizza is if she’s out on the heat 2h, just rubbish, and that’s where she prefers to rub on the floor rather than let her anger physically get out of you. And that after such an action she doesn’t knock nicely on your door and waits until you cheer that’s normal.
and you believed it would be better if you didn’t apologize? You messed up and don’t even get a sorry out – that’s what makes your mother even more angry.
Every hour she won’t come in – only she’s mad at you and once you get some little crap again, she’ll get over it more than usual – and there’s another thunder.
How about you excuse yourself? Evt are you baking a pizza yourself as an apology and then, of course, clean the kitchen?
I’m on your side. Your mother doesn’t seem to be under control. You were shopping and you forgot to clear it. That can happen. I know what it’s like to be afraid of his mother and she just screams around. That’s not a good example, and if you want to apologize, it’s probably nothing after your experience. Absolutely toxic, as your mother has the power with you, it is her task to calm down and apologise to your “mistake”.
How about an apology? Probably your mother is disappointed and hurt, but not toxic