Toter zahn ja/nein?
Sieht das für euch aus wie ein Toter Zahn?
Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, aber der Pocht ab und zu. Sonst keine Beschwerden, keine Zahnschmerzen, kein abklopfen des Zahnes etc. Kälte und Wärme spürrt er auch nicht. Es pocht lediglich wenn ich mich belaste. Z.b schnelles Treppen steigen oder beim Bücken
At the dentist, they often hold a very cold tooth to see if there is still life in it. I have a dead tooth and believe me… I felt that when he gave up the mind. Most painful. At the dentist, the nerve could not be saved due to inflammation, which was gone. Now over the years he has become more and more dark, unfortunately it is now so and will soon be “replaced”
If he pokes, go to the dentist so he can be treated. An inflammation that spreads can also become dangerous🙈
Okey. What happens if the tooth no longer reacts to cold? So you don’t feel anything about the cold spray what they always use?
Then the nerve has already died, I think. But this must still be treated… from my tooth make the regular X-rays. I don’t know what they’re doing. In any case, the condition had effects on the type of denture. If everything is good, you can also light it up from the inside when they get dark.
With me, my doctor said at that time, my nerve had already degraded itself… creepy idea. I’m just gonna do this with anesthesia. I find unexpected toothaches a thousand times worse than a syringe. I then had no pain, at most light. Most of the time, you have more relief. I think I had to go back… I mean, she did something in the tooth, which had to get out again to make the final filling. But it has been so long
So the nerve must be removed. Does it hurt or would it be the treatment of a root canal treatment?
When the tooth stabs, it indicates a disintegration in the wort area!
Did the photo get a little smaller? After all, it already has the size of a stamp! You can see too much!
Unfortunately, the picture is very fuzzy. It is therefore difficult to judge
Ask your dentist