Toter floh oder haut von einer Bettwanze?
Sorry für meine Fingernägel war nur am putzen ! Ich hab gedacht es sind Flöhe von meinen Katzen finde heute einen Tag nachdem ich die floh vernebeler aufgestellt habe diese Dinger. Nun meine Frage sind das Tore Flöhe oder die Haut von Bettwanzen ? Ich hab alles 10 mal untersucht und finde nicht deren nest oder sonst irgendwas. Danke schonmal werde hier verrückt
This is unfortunately a flee we had also recently flee we bought a third main coon kater and the breeder had dogs who unfortunately flee had treated dreadfully only on the brushed animals sprayed in this is very annoying to get rid of lg
Thanks to you 🙏🏻 have you used such a fleee? I did this yesterday and hope that all are dead now 🤯
Luckily just a flea. fleas are the much smaller evil. You have to clean, clean, clean when you get fleas. In bedbugs you have to throw away, throw away, throw away, additionally clean, brush, brush, and also spend a lot of money on a chamber hunter.
Have I and such a miserable set up in every room hope that was
Well, you should still brush, the nebulizer doesn’t work against the eggs. In addition, wash the laundry as hot as possible. The animal should continue to be treated with a preparation by the veterinarian every 4 weeks. Good luck!