Tote Zahn zu Krebs?

Hallo. Ich hatte 2015 ein Unfall an meinem rechten Schneidezahn woraufhin er eineWurzelbehandlung brauchte. Nun hat man vor einem halben Jahr festgestellt dass da eine Entzündung drin ist wobei die Entzündung wahrscheinlich schon seit vielen Jahren da drin ist. Nun wurde er mir gestern gezogen und der Zahn war total schwarz und der Arzt meinte das sei extrem toxisch mit Leichengife etc. Nun mach ich mir Sorgen, dass ich nun irgendwann mal dadurch Krebs bekomme. Gerade vor einem Hinrtumor habe ich Angst

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11 months ago

I have read your other questions and can only recommend you against yours Hypertension to be treated. You’re just making life hard for you and your fellow human beings.

You chose the “right” dentist… for me it would be a reason to change the dentist.

The name “Leichengift”with respect to teeth is very inaccurate(used mainly by aseptic and holistic dentists. In the past – but really quite earlier – the “conversion” of the dead tooth nerve was called so. There were no root canal fillings.

Now, half a year ago, it was found that there is an inflammation in it, with inflammation probably in there for many years.

That’s what your ZA told you? He would have done the root canal treatment more thoroughly and cleanly, then the tooth would not have been inflamed.

Now he was drawn to me yesterday and the tooth

Why, about the corpse poison? Usually you try to get such a tooth, which usually works. For this purpose, the existing root filling must be revised and, if necessary, a root tip resection must be carried out. If this revision (and generally root canal treatments) of a endodontologs – this is a dentist who specializes in root canal treatments – you can be sure that the tooth has been preserved for a few years.

Priority always has the maintenance of your own teeth.

the tooth was totally black and the doctor said it was extremely toxic with corpse, etc.

Such statements make me really mad. It’s nothing but esoteric bullshit and an insecurity of patients. The tooth and also the tooth root were totally black, because a root-treated tooth is “dead” and is no longer supplied with blood. As a result, the tooth and its root become brownish-grey with time. Such discoloration after a root canal treatment is normal and completely safe.

Generally, it is correct that inflammation within the oral cavity, also the root tips of the teeth, is capable of affecting the organism and possibly. causing cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the affected teeth should be treated as quickly as possible to remove the inflammatory cells/heart.

As I said at the beginning, I would look for a new dentist. And leave the implant, which is now required, only put by a jaw surgeon.

And don’t panic about any cancer. No human has ever got cancer through an inflamed tooth.

11 months ago
Reply to  Naddlbaum

You’re welcome. All good for you 🙂

11 months ago

It is naturally not healthy if you have an inflammation in the body for a long time. But there can be no talk of corpse poison. I’m sure the dentist didn’t say that.

You don’t get cancer or brain tumor.

Now the tooth is out and if it’s cured, it’s all right.

11 months ago

Your doctor’s statement was irresponsible and, above all, totally inappropriate.

11 months ago
Reply to  maja0403

I can’t imagine the word “Leichengift” has fallen. He may have spoken of dead tissue, and she re-interpreted it in her panic.

11 months ago
Reply to  Munga01

Neither do I. That would be more than unprofessional.

11 months ago
Reply to  Naddlbaum

Then find another doctor.

11 months ago

Yes, read my answer. Unfortunately, such debes still exist and a patient like this FS is very susceptible to such a thing. Unfortunately.

11 months ago

Yes, certainly, but some patients are also very creative in the description of what the doctor allegedly said. That’s why I’m staying neutral.

11 months ago

Yes, there are such stupid things.