Topps Force Attax series 3 Wert?

Hab eine unvollständige Sammelmappe aus 2013 mit Karten aus der Mappe aber auch anderen. Weiß jemand ungefähr, was die wert sein könnte? 20€, 25€? Danke schön mal für jede Antwort. 👍🥰

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4 months ago

That’s right, that there’s a question again, the last I’ve seen 8 years ago.

I’ve been a collector myself and have very many and very good cards.

I would not sell it in your place, and not at all for 20-30€

This is your childhood, show them to your children one day, and if you find time for yourself again, look in and remember your own childhood. Once a year I do the same, that makes me very lucky.

4 months ago

That depends on how rare these cards were. Besides, it’s your childhood and a beautiful memory. If you don’t need it anymore, you can check on ebay for how much is sold there.