TomTom will mich nicht auf die Autobahn lassen?
hallo miteinander, ich versuche gerade einen längeren Weg zu fahren der schneller und effektiver durch die Autobahn geht, aber mein Navi versucht mich bei jeder Ausfahrt aus der Autobahn rauszuholen( ich fahre auch nicht falsch) und durch die Landstraßen zu fahren.
ich habe in der Einstellung auch die vermeid Einstellungen alle zu und hab das Handy auch Neu gestartet.
habt ich irgendwelche Ideen wie man diese beheben kann?
Settings -> Remove Hooks for “avoid car lanes”.
was never asked as well as my question
if “Update” didn’t help, ask TomTom support. They usually help within three working days and then catch my time and again…
Turn the shit out and just wait for the shield where you need to get out.
Probably the part needs an update. People have already traveled backwards to the highway because of such a grudge. Go on your eyes and read the signs, it’s just going in one direction, straight ahead.
Instead of using TomTom something else: Google Maps, Apple Maps, Navigon,…
You’ve probably hired “Miding Car Rails”. It happened to me.
Did you want to write an answer instead of a comment?
It’s not like it’s been
No. I’m not the questioner.
still thank you
Thanks to the quick answer, I appreciate it that they will address it again and this is just done, but still TomTom has a pair of functions that I would like to use in this ride.
Yeah, sure, just do that thing out
Take your phone.
The whole time already the phone
the Navi probably has a traffic jam on the route and thus routes the way.
but if you mean, go on the highway
He has set that motorways should be avoided.
Nope is still not on have never set it to avoid it has been controlled more often
If that’s the case, he can’t wonder.
you should have done it, or
Ich hab doch sogar explizit oben in meiner Frage geschrieben das es nicht an ist