Toleranz bei Mofa Drosslung?

Hallo, ich habe folgendes Anliegen:
Ich fahre einen gedrosselten Roller (25kmh) und möchte natürlich die Höchstleistung im Legalen Bereich ausnutzen.

Wie viel Kmh Toleranz liegen bei einer Mofa Drosslung vor?

Ich habe gehört, dass es ca. 5 kmh sind.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

P.S.: Eure Erfahrungen würden mich sehr interessieren 🙂

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4 years ago

I’d leave you. Especially in schools, something like this is controlled. And if you drive with nem mofa/Roller that drives faster than 25km/h, then driving is without a driver’s license. In the worst case, the admission and insurance expires.

It’s just not worth doing this. Unless you want to make your car show with 21 if you catch yourself.

4 years ago

When it comes to hard, 26 is too much. Wouldn’t rely on tolerances either, because if you drive downhill with backwind then 35, (5 km/h are already feasible) it’s hard to explain.

4 years ago

That’s the same. Can only try super+, or better mix the petrol/oil (if it has something like that).

4 years ago

There is no statutory maximum.

The Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe has declared a deviation of 20% in the case of an unchanged vehicle admissible.

In the case of a vehicle you have changed, you can no longer rely on the series scattering and the tolerance is exactly 0%.

4 years ago

Jap are c.a 5kmh, but where there is no plaintiff is also no judge 🙂

4 years ago

It’s really easy. Nothing has been changed or turned on your companion – the speedometer shows 35kmh? No problem. It’s not your fault that the Tacho shows too fast.

4 years ago

25 km/h are 25km/h without tolerance … there is at most a tolerance for measuring.

4 years ago

Strictly speaking it is + / – 5%,