Hallo, ich bin 15 und habe mir eine ganze La Casa de papel blau reingeschmissen (Extasy 500+mg) ich habe eine richtig krasse Toletanz und spüre wirklich nichts. Was kann ich dagegen machen? Ich bin wirklich sehr traurig das die Drogen nicht mehr bei mir wirken wie sie wirken sollen…
That sounds like you’ve already taken a lot of ecstasy. The fact that it no longer acts after the time lies in the mechanism of action of the MDMA. This leads to a distribution of body-specific messenger substances, especially serotonin. After one-time consumption, it can take weeks and months until the body has recovered to some extent. If one consumes too soon, there is insufficient serotonin for the full effect. That and also the fact that MDMA can harm the brain are reasons why it should not be taken more often than once in three months.
This is true for adults. As long as the body (incl. the brain) has not grown, it is best not to take such a thing. The consequences of the body in development are not depreciable.
Apart from the fact that it is not safe, what exactly and how much of it is contained in this pill. Trusting the person who makes such a minor accessible would be naive. Excluding Drugchecking You don’t know what you’re getting into.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
To listen to and see that you can achieve the desired effect even without drugs. If it is not possible alone, therapies should be very helpful.
You turned a placebo. But if you firmly believe in the effect, the Plazebo effect will help you.
Keep your fingers off. Fun’s over.