Tokyo Revengers Staffel 4?
Es wurde ja erst vor Kurzem offiziell bestätigt, dass es eine vierte Staffel geben wird. Der Teaser Trailer ist auch schon raus.
Welche Arcs, denkt ihr, werden in der neuen Staffel animiert?
Klar ist der Bonten Arc dabei, aber der ist viel zu kurz, um eine ganze Staffel zu füllen. Deshalb wird auch wahrscheinlich der Three Deities Arc zu sehen sein. Aber wird man auch den Kanto Manji Arc reinnehmen? Denn auch mit den zwei oben genannten Arcs wäre die Staffel kurz. Und der Kanto Manji Arc geht jetzt nicht so lange, dass man dafür eine ganze neue Staffel machen würde.
Well, everything after Staffel 3 is content complete garbage imo, so I was very surprised that a continuation was announced at all, as most fans are not pleased with the content according to Staffel 3. (Do not want spoilers qwq)
To your question, I am very sure that this will be the Final Season & they will animate the complete rest, is no longer much left. (93.5 Chapter to be exact) In addition, another season would no longer be profitable.
If you are interested in my reasons for this assumption:
The Manga has a total of: 278 Chapter (without the 8 Bonus Chapter included)
A total of 185,5 chapters were animated from Season 1 to Season 3.
Now we calculate the number of total follow the 3 Seasons, S1 (24), S2 (13) & S3 (13), zsm are the 50 follow.
Now we calculate the animated chapter number for the 50 episodes. Usually it is c.a 2 chapters per episode, but with Tokyo Revengers it is a bit more. Here is the invoice for this:
Animated Chapter of 3 Seasons: 185,5
Let’s go through the bill step by step.
50 x 2 = 100 Chapter, so not enough
50 x 3 = 150 chapter, close to it, but not enough
50 x 3.5 = 175 chapter, we still don’t get to Chapter 185,5, but the other chapters are just going to top.
So, a 5 season would no longer be profitable, as mentioned, so it would be logical to animate the remaining 93 chapters. (8 Bonus Chapter not included)
Now let’s take the Season gets 24 follow, then with 3.5 chapters per episode there are 84 chapters that are animated. So 269 chapters have been animated by then. However, as already mentioned with 3.5 chapters per episode, we do not quite come to the other 9 chapters, and we are already at 278 chapters. (Since 175 chapters came out at my bill, although 185,5 were animated, there were 10.5 chapter left, so it fits very well)
I assume that they will also animate the 9 Bonus Chapter, either as Ova, or they make 25 – 26 episodes instead of 24.
If I’m right with my assumption, we’ll only see if there’s an official confirmation of the episodes number outside.
I hope I could help a little further:)
No, it’s okay, I know everything anyway.
Yes, I would make absolutely more sense.
Honestly, I actually found the content after Season 3. That’s why I look forward to Staffel 4. Hope everything is animated. I can’t wait longer
I believe the maximum 24 episodes you can pack the remaining Manga volumes. From band 21 it goes to band 31, so it is followed in 24, also to pack 13 episodes very realistic. And even after the last season, it is logical that you pack everything together in a season I find 🤔
Yes safe fits in. I mean, because the last season had only 14 episodes. Who knows if they do it again. But right, it would be much more logical if you pack the last three arcs in a season. Hopefully they do that too, it can hardly wait for everything to be animated♥♥️
Whether it’s a season isn’t confirmed. Could come a movie or something like that. Not unlikely at the moment.
If it becomes a season, you can make a split courage.
Yeah, right. I said inaccurate, sorry.