Tofu smells like fish?
Is this normal? I got it from the Asian market.
Is this normal? I got it from the Asian market.
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So I’m buying exclusively in the Asian market and he’s never smelled like fish or anything. Have even now two packs of Tofu in the refrigerator from the Asia market and one of them only opened yesterday and also smells zero.
No, it’s not normal.
Tofu gets a piece very quickly. Better dispose.
Genuine tofu is huge, usually after bad fluffings or sleeping feet. Fishy smell can also occur.
Is not to compare with the tasteless and odourless pamp from the discounter.
Thank you.
And what a chronic illness do you actually have when I can ask
Hashimoto thyreoditis, as a result of which gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance have also been for some time. I also have problems with fat digestion.
Vegan diet does not help against chronic sinusitis.
Oh, no. Good luck! I know this with chronic diseases. There’s no worse. I’m currently trying to feed vegan because of my sinusitis. Maybe it helps you
Yeah, it’s normal.
tofu stinks.
Maybe he wasn’t very hygienic.
Ok good to know thank you
I also don’t like the conjacquent from the asia market. the STINKEN is regular after a grumpy fish.
Meh, there’s no supermarket with us. I don’t have a comparison. :/
the asia market still stinks.
I usually buy the from chopstick from the normal super market. they are good and also resistant to immger reliable.
That’s why they wash them off.