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2 years ago

Hi just wanted to say that you best kept nightmares for you:

This dream is of Satan and you must spit three times (dry) on the left side and seek refuge with Allah before the Shaytan and before what you have seen as soon as you are awakened. Then you shall turn to the other side and this dream will not hurt you. You shall not tell anyone how the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

{الرؤيا الصالحالمن اله، والم م م م الان اليطان. فإذالدكم مانها ما ما يكرهف فلين عن يساره مرا، مرات، وليتعوذ بالد م الالياان ومار مار مار مار مالالار ر ر ر ر مالالالالالالالالاث ثم ينقلب علبه الآخر، فإهنا لا تضره. ولا يبر با دًا با با بر با د}ا.}

“Ar-Ru’yaa (the good dream) is of Allah and Al-Hulm (the bad dream) is of Satan. If one of you (in the dream) sees something he hates, should spit three times on his left side and seek refuge three times with Allah from the evil of Shaytan and from what one has seen. Then you shall put yourself on the other side and it will not hurt you. And don’t tell anyone. ‘

2 years ago

It has no meaning and is nothing bad. What I’ve dreamed of… You probably remember unpleasant dreams rather than beautiful.