Tod vom besten Freund geträumt?
Habe geträumt dass mein bester Freund (im Traum) gestorben ist aber in real life noch am Leben ist .. was hat es auf sich ? Gibts paar Leute die da über Traumdeutungen sich etwas befasst haben ? Man muss noch hinzufügen dass ich seit nem halben Jahr kaum was mit ihm mache und der Kontakt immer dünner wird..
No matter what you dream:
You decide what you want to do and no one else.
No dream either.
In sleep, the brain is highly active, the body is almost paralyzed.
In this time, the brain unconsciously sorts the memories.
These can then very skurril consort.
Apparently, you’re dealing with the thinner contact and the brain plays for you, that he’s dead for you, though he still lives.
How is this thought for you?
Would you like to intensify contact again?
Or can you live with the fact that you keep living apart?
What does your gut feel say?
As I said: You decide. (And of course he is.)
Hey, you’re most likely afraid you’re losing him. Because the contact becomes less and less. And that has just been noticed in your dream.
Google: Dream interpretation