Tod eines Charakteres in FF?
Hallo, ich würde vll eine Figur aus der Familie meiner Hauptfigur sterben lassen, ich weiß aber nicht genau wen. Wie sollte man das festlegen und soll ich jemanden sterben lassen dass es wirklich SEHR schlimm ist, oder lieber jemanden, der nicht ganz sooo wichtig ist?
I agree with Wiloki. In the end, you should let the person die who brings your story forward most. Think about the following things:
What is completely unimportant is the size of the role before. Taking someone who the readers knew and liked in the best case makes it easier for them to mourn, but in the end it comes mainly to the reaction of your main character. If you manage to transport her grief, you can also let the most unhappy figure die and people will cry.
it is a FF from Peaky Blinders, so there are frequent people going on and/or being killed.
The answer helped me thank you 🙂
The character whose death drives the story most
I wouldn’t let anyone die so important first and then eventually, maybe in the end the most important character
LG your lavender moon
Thank you.