Tochter umgeknickt?
Meine Tochter ist gestern beim turnen umgeknickt, jetzt ist der Fuß ganz dick. Da es gestern Abend passierte waren wir noch nicht beim Kinderartzt. Sie schreibt heute in der Schule eine wichtige Prüfung, was soll sie zur schule am besten anziehen. Ich kann sie nicht rausnehmen um mit ihr zum artzt zu gehen, dass werden wir nach der Schule machen.
If you don’t go to the doctor in time, the negligence of care is. It’s criminal. I’d see you if I could.
Parents who do not care for their children are, in my opinion, locked up for life.
Why didn’t you go to the ambulance last night? At least her feet are fixed there and they may be provided with crunches. Shoework let out, your daughter will certainly have both pain and problems when it comes to appearance. Pruefungen can also be rewritten.
Adjust the foot so that it is better supported (not too tired!!!). Socks over it and the rest as if it still fits in the shoe.
we have no crutches there and in shoe it no longer fits
Then she’ll have to go to the doctor, or she’ll be sick. For “barfuss” it is too cold.
Shit in winter. She doesn’t fit in a shoe. The big socks or socks from the dad, maybe. Otherwise, wrap with gauze ties. I’m not a doctor, but you can probably skip the pediatrician and go straight to the orthopaedic or accident doctor.
It should cool the foot and best bandage with a pain gel.
I’m sure there’s a legging or wide jeans over there.
And sneakers. She can leave the tied foot.
Did you chill him?That’s important.She needs to dress, what’s going on. 😉
sounds good many thanks
Germ 😉
And what exactly should the pediatrician make besides telling you that he has no X-ray look and you have to go to the hospital for X-ray?
If the daughter is old enough to write “important exams”, then you should think she’d be old enough to dress herself.
Examination can also be recited, I think the pain would also distract too much
I would drive her down and support her can dress very thick socks good better
Bandage, raise foot. The best way to go to school
Go to the doctor and let her foot examine. Your health is more important than school…
You were 18 and now a daughter who is so old that she writes exams.
There are certainly some forums where you can address your fetish questions, but it doesn’t have to be here with family stories.
People try to write helpful answers just to fire your head cinema.
Pediatrician is wrong, please go straight to the doctor or emergency room. Was it a school accident? If yes, it must be specified
Subscribe to the exam! Maybe ligament crack, so in the state do not send to school!!!
I’m a mother, you’re picking up.
Don’t you have to be personal?
Because of your questions, you’re a childless, sexually unloaded guy.
Don’t piss me off the side, you TROLL