Daughter has a festive graduation and mother-in-law criticizes her?
My daughter graduated from high school on Friday and had her straight hair styled into waves at the hairdresser. As we were leaving for school, my mother-in-law said to my daughter, "You haven't even brushed your hair and it's all messy. You can't go out like that. Wait, I'll brush you quickly." Thankfully, my daughter didn't have any of it and quickly left the house (as quickly as you can after wearing high heels for the first time). Can't you just keep your mouth shut on such a special day?
It’s already history the event, and your daughter could get out with wrought hair. I don’t think it was bad.
If it excites you so much, look for the conversation with her and find a green spot together.
All good, differences and other views are sometimes not so wrong, they sometimes open a different bill angle!
Unfortunately there are such people! My grandma was, fortunately, different and the opinion: if you have nothing nice to say, you should keep your mouth shut – apart from constructive criticism, which is really appropriate.
That’s what your mother-in-law should have thought.
Critique – This is the task of a mother-in-law 🙁 🙁 :
Yeah, you can…
But do you have to leave it out here in public? By the way, your tone is not exactly the best…
on such a special day holding his Fr……
I don’t think so, because respect seems to be a foreign word for your family.
That mother-in-law, I would’ve reconciled my hair to the back with my voice.
She’s a tolerant woman because she…
… did not criticize.
Maybe SchwieMu is extremely short-sighted….
but if they already interfere in the hairstyle, I would have doubts as to what they still want to determine.
Everything, always
Keep your distance as good as it is. I would make it clear to her that she shouldn’t interfere, and I wouldn’t have taken her to school at all.
We didn’t take her, she lives with us in the house
I would give my daughter self-esteem. So that she can fight herself against the opacity of her grandma instead of fleeing.
“I love you too, even if you don’t understand what is modern today.” And that of course with a radiant smile 😈
Then you are not the person who cooks from anger.
She just didn’t like it, her eyes turned, and then, as mentioned, she’s out of the top of the door.
Your daughter did that right!
This often happens and she wonders why the grandchildren no longer come
I would have told her that she has a young woman in front of her and no small child that is unable to get ready. Easy.
Yes, the mother-in-laws are not always easy. Think, they know everything better.
Man should clearly show her the limits here, even if she is subsequently insulted. It’s time.
No, it doesn’t matter. My mother never interfered. She always said you have your own life, you have to decide yourself. But my mother-in-law criticized this and found my mother strange because she didn’t mix up.
Your own mother is a wise woman. And your mother-in-law must not like your way of living.
If you realize that you do not need the acceptance of your mother-in-law, you can live much more relaxed.
Do what you think is right and turn on your mother-in-law criticism.
Why don’t you do that? Maternal mothers are also only humans. If no one tells them they don’t know what they did wrong!
Both in the right order
Well, you shouldn’t give your opinion, but you in a polite and certain sound explain that doesn’t suit you!
We or my husband have often expressed her opinion. Either she crys or she knows nothing.
Well, she’s just…
What always comes to my mind when it comes to such things: if it bothers you, why don’t you tell her clipp and realize that she has left something like this in the future? This may lead to a somewhat unpleasant situation in a first step, but under the line one must also define clear limits for family members – and if there is no weak response, then there is a decent raratz at short notice that the person understands if he has exceeded a line that he should not have crossed. There are clear conditions. Even if this may cause some unpleasant reactions.
That’s what my husband has done so many times. Either she crys or she knows nothing and next time it goes on.
Let her cry. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. If you don’t stay hard, you can continue playing the game until your life – to your unbelievers. If she’s crying, you shouldn’t let her go, you should stay firm: “Go home, cry out and come back when you respect our rules.” So don’t step back, but put another one on it.
As you write, the question is otherwise useless. If you’re not ready to intervene since decent and judicious, then that’s like a capitualition, and you can’t be surprised when it goes on.
Yes, there are tears. That’s it. Your family, your daughter, your rules. When Schwiegermutti then realizes that she is no longer going through with her tears because you remain stubborn, then the whole thing will be knocked over and you will have to surrender in another step with a ugly woman. Consequence? If she wants to weather, she can stay home and come when she calms down. The doors are open – but at EUREN conditions. It is sometimes necessary to give a person a very sharp feeling when the barrel is overrun. If she’s not ready to comply with this, she’s throwing out with hard words every time and doesn’t bend.
Quite overcrowded your mother-in-law….
There’s mother-in-law they can’t.
I’m glad your daughter reacted so fast.
Oh, yeah, that’s not a dear grandma, so tell her about me.
And, sweethearts for you and your 🌞 curly bowl.
You, and if your in-law girl needs glasses?
Then you have to explain clearly when she has to shut up.
You don’t get in between
If you want, you will.
Old people ✨✨