TMs Muster zuordnen verbesserm?

Hi zusammen,

Im Mai schreibe ich den TMS und habe aktuell noch massive Probleme mit Mustern. Die Zeit reicht mir hinten und vorne nicht und ich sehe selten alle Fehler. Den Kreuzblick kann ich nicht machen, weil ich nach einer Augenoperation nicht mehr schielen kann/sollte. Habt ihr Tipps?🙏

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11 months ago

1. Search for the most striking place on the pictures to compare

Two. Check the possible superficial errors (is more black on the image than should be? -> an area is painted, for example, which is actually white in the original. The picture goes over the edge of original…)

3. Grids:

– You take two pens and start at a place you’re accustomed to. (Oben left would make sense) From there, you would work gradually down to the right. Because you won’t check a spot twice and lose time.

You can make the 3 steps a routine first and see how much better you will.

It’s important that you always go ahead. You know about hose figures. Once you start doing something different than planned, you lose time.