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2 years ago

Why should that be forbidden?

If you think they can’t chew this up and sell it to the guests. Yes. As long as the cooling chain is secure in between. Many snack bars sell something like that.

And if you mean frozen to take away – there should be no problem either. In the meantime, many restaurants offer their food. It doesn’t have to be hot. The main thing is properly prepared.

And even simply frozen prefabricated TK carvings as they are in the supermarket should sell them. It would then only be a bit different in tax terms and would have to be registered.

2 years ago

Hi, LLuukkaass405.

Many restaurants, straight excursions are working with frozen carving, which is not prohibited.

The products are delivered professionally and are immediately returned to the freezer.

They even taste good until eating.

Greetings, Renate.

2 years ago

What do you mean? Frozen or prepared?

most restaurants have frozen products and then prepare them