Titanfall 2 Keys nur Origin?


Ich möchte mir einen Key für die Steam-Version von Titanfall 2 kaufen, finde aber überall nur origin-keys. Eine Website meint auch, dass man den Origin Key auch auf Steam einlösen könnte.

Ist da was dran, und wenn nein, kann ich ein Spiel, was ich über Origin gekauft habe, meiner Steam-Bibliothek hinzufügen?

Danke schon mal ^^

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3 years ago

That’s because there are no Steam Keys.

If you buy ea games on Steam, you only get one key for Origin.

You can add any program, do not even play it, to Steam.

3 years ago
Reply to  XDedf1shX

Yeah, that’s right.

But, as I said, there are no steam keys.

Because if I distribute keys in boxing, giveaways, or whatever, then logically directly original keys

3 years ago
Reply to  jort93

It’s not that easy. Yes, unfortunately, I can’t get a key outside of Steam that the origin probably doesn’t want. And yes, even if I buy it on Steam, I’ll get back to Origin in the end.

But if I buy it on Steam I also have a certain integration in Steam. This means that there are, for example, Steam achievements and items for Steam. You won’t get this if you buy the game from Origin and just add it to your Steam library.